Tag: Jewish Rituals

The author describes creating a calming "spa" atmosphere in her kindergarten classroom to help children rest, inspired by Shabbat spa nights she has with her daughter.
The Parashah of Naso presents the detailed gifts brought by each of the twelve Princes to dedicate the Mishkan (Tabernacle), with the same paragraph repeated 12 times to highlight the unique significance each tribe attached to their gifts.
The text discusses the author's experiences as a Jewish individual in both America and Israel, highlighting encounters with different attitudes towards Judaism and Israel.
The article discusses the evolution and challenges faced by Reform Judaism, particularly in the context of assimilation and changing attitudes towards Jewish practice.
The author reflects on the experience of mourning a miscarriage alongside the celebration of Shavuot, drawing parallels between the loss of their unborn child and the miscarriage of the first tablets at Mount Sinai.
Rabbi Gordon explains the significance of counting the Omer for 49 days in a Torah teaching video.
"Dinner with the Parents" stars Michaela Watkins and Henry Hall reflect on a Torah scene from the show and discuss their Jewish experiences.
Robin Weigert, known for her role in Hulu's Holocaust drama "We Were the Lucky Ones," discusses her deep connection to her character Nechuma and Jewish traditions in an interview.
Shlissel challah, a tradition for the first Shabbat after Pesach, involves baking a challah shaped like a key or containing a hidden key symbolizing good fortune and blessings.
As Passover approaches, the heavy atmosphere of recent events weighs on many Jewish minds, with concerns ranging from anti-Semitism to conflicts in the Middle East.
A couple embarks on starting to observe Shabbat with their young children, borrowing supplies and delving into the rituals despite some uncertainties.
In light of recent tragedies affecting both Israelis and Palestinians, the author suggests a symbolic change for the Passover seder by using only two matzot instead of the usual three to evoke the experience of scarcity and suffering in captivity.
The article reflects on the evolving nature of Passover celebrations within a Jewish family.
Rebbetzin S. Feldbrand noticed a need for a Haggadah that would engage teenage readers, leading her to create "Haggadah for Teens and Their Grown-Ups."
The article explores the midrashic interpretation of King Ahasuerus wearing the Jewish priestly garments during his banquet in the Book of Esther.
Artist Andi Arnovitz's creation "What We Bring" is a symbolic tribute to the strength of over 2,000 impactful Jewish women.
A video showcasing a kid and family-friendly Passover Haggadah for young families to enjoy during the Passover Seder.
In this essay, the author recounts their experience of finding solace and meaning in Shabbat after being diagnosed with a chronic illness.
Loving Leah, a Hallmark romance film, is a surprisingly charming and meticulously detailed portrayal of Jewish life.
The author reflects on their Jewish identity and experiences that have connected them to their Jewish community, such as blessing the Sabbath candles and attending a wedding under a pomegranate-laden chuppah.
Tu Bishvat, known as the birthday of trees, is a low-stress holiday for Jewish parents.
The author discovers her great-grandfather's will, a single page written in Yiddish, as she is packing up her parents' house.
The article discusses the idea that the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabees is often seen as a fight against assimilation, but a closer reading of the book of 1 Maccabees reveals a more complex understanding.
The author addresses the recent surge of anti-Israel sentiment and encourages Jewish individuals to embrace and celebrate their Jewish identity instead of feeling targeted or ashamed.
The publisher of Jewish Currents reflects on the wisdom of the shiva, the seven-day mourning period after a family member's death.