Tag: Jewish Rituals

This article discusses how OU Kosher, the largest kosher certification agency in the world, had to adapt its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the continued availability of kosher food.
A woman facing surgery to remove her ovaries due to health concerns grapples with the question of which blessing to say in this challenging moment.
"The Haggadah About Nothing: The (Unofficial) Seinfeld Haggadah" by Rabbi Sam Reinstein is a creative and humorous Haggadah that uses Seinfeld references to shed new light on the Seder experience.
The Passover Seder may seem like a structured and orderly affair, but a closer look at the Haggadah reveals a disorganized structure that demands explanation.
The author explores the significance of Moses and the Exodus in Jewish holidays and rituals, and the lack of commemoration for the Patriarchs and Matriarchs.
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall's book, "Remix Judaism: Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World," explores the phenomenon of remixing Judaism, where individuals and families choose which Jewish rituals and traditions to observe and adapt them to their own sensibilities.
Last year, many people had to celebrate Pesach (Passover) in a different way due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The author reflects on their youthful religious experiences in yeshiva and the misconception that those years are the pinnacle of religious growth.
This essay recounts the author's experiences with their father and the strong desire he had for them to keep him company.
The author reflects on the comfort and joy that stuffed cabbage brings to her during the holiday season, particularly during Sukkot.
Yehiel Poupko's upcoming collection of poems, titled "What Is Lost," explores themes of sin, repentance, and forgiveness in Jewish tradition.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Shabbat dinners, with smaller gatherings and changes in traditional practices.
The author reflects on her family's varied Jewish traditions and how they rediscovered Shabbat during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author reflects on their experience attending virtual mourning rituals after a friend's mother's passing, unable to physically attend the funeral and shiva.
The author reflects on missing the opportunity to say Kaddish for their father's yahrzeit due to the closure of their synagogue during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Tablets Passover Haggadah offers a blend of tradition and modernity for a diverse group at the Seder table.
In a personal reflection on the challenges faced by converts to Judaism, the author, "Christine," shares her experience of feeling pressured to prove her Jewish identity through comments about her name, presumed affinity for biblical figures, and stereotypes like being "Jew-y."
Jewish teens are using TikTok to express their identity, culture, and humor, sharing videos ranging from Jewish rituals and traditions to light-hearted jokes about being Jewish.
The author recounts their complex relationship with their abusive father following his unexpected death.
In a guide on kosher wines for Rosh Hashanah 2018 under $25, Laura E. Adkins recommends several options for the festive season.
In "Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek" by Noam Stadlan, the author challenges the traditional association of the Tzidkatkha Tzedek verses with Tzidduk ha-Din, proposing that they emphasize God's beneficence rather than strict acceptance of divine decree.
"Hilkhot Nashim" is a publication by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) that aims to dispel misconceptions about women's obligations in Jewish ritual practice and encourages increased observance.
Chaplain Laura Fitch and parent Alana Kadden Ballon provide advice on how to effectively talk to children about death, emphasizing the importance of using simple words, finding support, creating a space for emotions, and helping children remember and honor the loved one.
In "Better Treyf Than Sorry," Adam Kirsch explores the Talmudic discussions in Chapter Three of Tractate Chullin regarding what renders an animal tereifa, or not kosher.
The author reflects on their experience surrounding their son's circumcision, drawing parallels to the success and identity representation of Cardi B. They discuss their wife's nervousness as a black Jew-by-choice, their decision to have a traditional bris despite opposition, and the journey leading up to and following the circumcision.