Tag: King David

The text discusses the concept of whether we are currently living in messianic times, examining various perspectives and historical examples.
Herod the Great, a king known for his brutal actions and non-spiritual reputation, is the figure behind the construction of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, which has become a central site of Jewish pilgrimage and prayer.
In the article, the author reflects on the chaotic state of the world, including the war in Israel, concerns about AI, and global issues, recommending the escapist TV show "Survivor" as a temporary distraction.
In "Let There Be Words" by Andrew Rashkow, the connection between language, creation, and prayer is explored from a Jewish perspective.
This article examines a common prooftext used to argue that full-time Torah learning in yeshivas justifies exempting charedi (ultra-Orthodox) students from military service.
The text discusses the complexity of engaging in war, highlighting that while warfare may be necessary at times, it is still considered sinful.
This text discusses the interpretation of a midrash in Midrash Tehillim where King David asks God to reward those who read and recite Psalms as if they studied the topics of skin lesions and tent impurities.
Ruth, a Moabite former princess, converted and joined the Jewish people, ultimately becoming the ancestor of King David.
This article explores the interpretation of King David's request to God regarding the recitation of Psalms in relation to the study of the laws of skin lesions and tent impurities.
After over 90 years, the lost Yiddish opera Bas Sheve by composer Henech Kon and librettist Moyshe Broderzon is being performed for the first time in North America.
In this podcast episode, Jon Levenson, a Harvard professor, discusses the moral force of the biblical Book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied by Jews during the holiday of Shavuot.
In this podcast episode, Harvard professor Jon Levenson discusses the significance of the book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied during the holiday of Shavuot.
King David desired to build the Beit Hamikdash, but God communicated through the prophet Natan that it was not meant for David to build it, but rather for his son Shlomo.
The article explores the ambivalence that Jews have towards power, particularly in the context of Israel and the recent conflict with Hamas.
The character of Boaz in the Book of Ruth is examined as a great leader who goes beyond the call of duty to protect the vulnerable and leave a lasting legacy.
The author expresses their dislike and confusion towards the book of Psalms, even as it gains popularity during the pandemic.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was known for his prophetic voice and ability to speak in a way that captured the hearts and souls of his audience.
In the poem "Good Flies Out of its Prison" by Abe Mezrich, elements from the Book of Ruth are explored.
The video explores David's fixation on waging war to take over Jerusalem and build a Temple, while also touching on his past as a admired warrior and husband of Michal, with insights on his kingship and God's influence, alongside other Hebrew Bible stories featured.
The video explores the relationship between David and Michal as they navigate King Saul's attempts to get David killed, showcasing David as a husband while posing questions about his fate as a potential king.
This video is the second episode in an animated series about King David, focusing on the famous battle between David and Goliath.
An animated retelling of the story of King David in the Bible, focusing on his humble beginnings as a shepherd and his prophesied rise to becoming the next King of Israel, while dealing with King Saul's struggles with evil spirits and the Philistines.
The article discusses King David's sins and confession, focusing on the redemptive power of confession in Jewish tradition.
Bezalel Naor delves into the comparison between the Jewish and Hellenic views of leadership and the ideal states through the lenses of Talmudic legends and the works of philosophers like Plato and Maimonides.
Rabbi David Wolpe explores the complex heroism of King David in the book "David: The Divided Heart."