Tag: Liberalism

The relationship between Zionism and Liberalism in America is facing strain, especially on the Left which has shifted towards progressivism and criticism of right-wing Israeli policies.
The essay discusses the challenging political decisions facing Diaspora Jews, particularly in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and France.
The author will be hosting a Zoom call to answer any questions, focusing on their recently published essay in the New York Times about the divide between American Jewry's liberalism and Zionism.
The text discusses the issue of antisemitism in America and its connection to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The text discusses a personal reflection on liberalism and its relationship with current issues like the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The article discusses why many liberals misunderstand Israel.
Israeli American novelist Ruby Namdar discusses the novelistic plight of American Jewry and Israeli Jewry in the aftermath of October 7.
The author discusses whether Pope Francis truly has an affinity for the Jewish people or if it is merely a publicity stunt.
In his book "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics and wokeness.
In a recent podcast episode, the COMMENTARY crew explores their methods for gathering daily information and their approach to reading books.
Dr. Shivi Greenfield explores the relationship between Judaism and Liberalism in his book "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," suggesting that they can coexist as they originate from a shared metaphysical source.
Dr Shivi Greenfield argues in his book, "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," that Judaism and liberalism can coexist and have a common metaphysical origin.
Yoram Hazony, President of the Herzl Institute and Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, challenges the relationship between conservatism and liberalism in his book "Conservatism: A Rediscovery."
Yoram Hazony discusses his book "Conservatism: A Rediscovery" and argues for the dissolution of the alliance between conservatism and liberalism.
In the aftermath of Israel's recent election, three Jewish thinkers reflect on the challenges facing liberal Jews in Israel.
The concept of the liberalism of permanent minorities, as proposed by Judith Shklar, challenges our common understanding of minorities and majorities.
Curtis Yarvin, also known as Mencius Moldbug, is a computer engineer turned political philosopher and the founder of neoreaction, an ideological school that emerged on the internet in the late 2000s.
Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue criticizes Reform rabbinic students for signing an open letter that was critical of Israel during the conflict with Hamas.
This article explores the concept of "deep diversity" in Israeli society and its implications for politics and the common good.
This article discusses the ideological conflict between internationalism/globalism and nationalism in the contemporary West.
During a podcast episode over Fourth of July weekend, the discussion revolves around defending America against criticisms raised by NPR and liberal viewpoints that label America negatively on the global stage.
The podcast explores the phenomenon where conservative Supreme Court justices often defy their political allies' expectations, while liberal justices do so less frequently.
This article discusses the complex relationship between Jews and Blacks, particularly in the context of liberalism and social justice.
The text discusses the polarized reactions to Donald J. Trump, highlighting a common but unconscious belief among liberals and Trump supporters that attributes to Trump almost magical powers that can make him either unstoppable or a threat.
This text discusses the academic origins of the American Revolution and the subsequent rebellion within academia.