Tag: Maimonides

Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzitzit, baking challah, or lighting Shabbat candles in response to the war in Gaza.
The text discusses the pervasive presence of barbarism in humanity and the need to confront and channel it in a sacred manner.
The author reflects on the challenges of facing post-holiday news in an uncertain world, particularly with rising antisemitism and other global concerns.
This year, as Passover approaches, the Jewish community faces an atmosphere of increased anti-Semitism and fear, leading to questioning the essence of freedom in such troubling times.
Jury selection has commenced in the hush money trial involving former President Donald Trump, drawing attention to what the Talmud says about payments and tainted sources.
The discussion explores the idea of reintroducing a blasphemy law in the UK considering Noahide laws' prohibition on blasphemy.
Judaism's beliefs about the afterlife are diverse and not extensively discussed, despite classical Jewish sources refuting the misconception that Judaism lacks an afterlife concept.
The text delves into the current political tensions in Israel regarding the authority of the Supreme Court, executive privilege, and the role of the elected government versus unelected judges, all amid ongoing warfare and societal fractures.
In his 1967 essay, Professor Isadore Twersky challenged previous views on Maimonides by rejecting both Leo Strauss's idea that Maimonides was primarily a philosopher and Yeshayahu Leibowitz's belief that he was mainly a rabbi.
The concept of Pi, the ratio of a circle's diameter and circumference, has a secret Jewish history intertwined with mathematical and spiritual dimensions.
The theological problem of evil and suffering, also known as theodicy, challenges belief in a just and fair world governed by a traditional view of God.
Maimonides, a renowned rabbinic authority and philosopher of the Middle Ages, was also a prolific physician who authored various medical works focusing on a wide range of topics such as ailments, treatments, and general health guidelines.
In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe discusses Maimonides' epistle on resurrection, explaining that there were questions and doubts about Maimonides' views during his lifetime.
The Etgar Quiz no 258 covers various Jewish-themed questions.
The National Library of Israel has received a significant donation of Yemenite Jewish manuscripts.
In this essay, the author explores three philosophical arguments for the existence of God: the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, and the ontological argument.
In this conversation, Yehuda Halper, an Israeli professor of Jewish philosophy, joins Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to discuss the medieval rabbinic sage and Jewish philosopher Maimonides.
The National Library of Israel has acquired a significant collection of 60,000 Yemenite Jewish manuscripts and text fragments, one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of Judaica in the world.
In this episode, Yehuda Halper from Bar-Ilan University discusses the writings of Maimonides.
In a recent address to the citizens of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu invoked the biblical figure of Amalek in reference to the October 7 Hamas terror attacks.
Albert Levis, a Greek Holocaust survivor and owner of the Wilburton Inn in Vermont, has dedicated his life to promoting his Formal Theory of Behavior, which he believes holds the key to achieving world peace.
This text addresses the question of why bad things happen to good people, particularly in the context of tragedies that befall the Jewish people.
The Yeshiva University Museum in New York is currently hosting an exhibit on Maimonides, featuring rare artifacts such as a Mishneh Torah signed by Maimonides himself and the 11th-century Torah Ark door from the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo.
The article discusses the role of Judaism in providing a conceptual and ethical framework to guide humanity through technological changes.
The article discusses the impact of new technologies on end-of-life practices and raises important ethical and theological questions for the Jewish community.