Tag: Mourning

The author reflects on the experience of mourning a miscarriage alongside the celebration of Shavuot, drawing parallels between the loss of their unborn child and the miscarriage of the first tablets at Mount Sinai.
After the tragic loss of their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in a terrorist attack in the Gaza Envelope, a bereaved Jewish family grapples with the challenges of mourning, memorialization, and resilience.
The Jewish community in Florida mourns the tragic death of 15-year-old Ella Riley Adler, a talented dancer and granddaughter of Michael Adler, the U.S. ambassador to Belgium.
Yechiel Leiter, an Israeli public servant and political philosopher, who lost his son Moshe in the current conflict with Hamas, reflects on the six-month mark of the war, discussing Israeli citizenship, Zionism, and Judaism.
In the midst of mourning over recent tragedies and historical hardships, the Jewish tradition offers a balance between joy and sadness.
A moving personal account describes attending a funeral where the son of the deceased read a eulogy written by his mother before her passing, touching on love, warmth, and gratitude despite her illness.
Rabbi Ilan and Sherri Glazer experienced the loss of their baby, Shemaryah, through stillbirth.
This article reflects on the author's grandparents, exploring their unique qualities and the impact they had on their lives.
The article discusses the divide between Israel's patriotic citizenry and its progressive elites in the wake of the recent conflict.
This article provides a concise summary of various halachic guidelines related to mourning and bereavement in Jewish law.
The author reflects on the experience of grieving the loss of her husband.
This article discusses the question of whether Jewish law obligates Israelis to continue with weddings despite the ongoing war and terror.
The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has led to scrutiny and even punishment of Israel's Arab-Palestinian minority for mourning their kin in Gaza, as discussed by Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi.
This article discusses how a religious Jewish woman in Jerusalem copes with the tragedy and pain surrounding the recent massacre of Israelis.
Maurice Shnaider, whose sister and brother-in-law were murdered by Hamas terrorists, emphasizes the importance of unity in the Jewish community and expresses gratitude for the outpouring of support during his shiva.
The text describes the devastating situation in Gaza, with references to the casualties, loss of hearing, and human suffering.
In this interview, Howard Fienberg and his wife Marnie discuss the mourning period after the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where Howard's mother, Joyce Fienberg, was one of the victims.
The publisher of Jewish Currents reflects on the wisdom of the shiva, the seven-day mourning period after a family member's death.
The discussion focuses on a moment of tragedy and mourning, highlighting how journalists acted when the government did not during the first 24 hours of the tragedy.
The author reflects on their father's hope for a peaceful two-state solution in Israel and Palestine, but expresses relief that their father did not witness the violence inflicted by Hamas on that dream.
The Jewish community mourns the passing of the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, a truly special and holy figure.
The author reflects on their resistance to feeling grief and the importance of embracing it.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the significance of Tisha B'Av, a day of mourning in Jewish tradition.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience of mourning her father, who was a prominent rabbi.
This article explores the origins and meaning of the period of Sefirat Ha-omer, a time associated with mourning and restrictions in Jewish practice.