Tag: Orthodox Judaism

In this article, the author addresses the renewed interest in Orthodox Judaism, particularly the Talmud, due to recent events.
Heinrich Graetz, a pioneering 19th-century German Jewish historian, challenged traditional norms and bridged the gap between Orthodox and academic Jewish worlds, transforming the landscape of Jewish history.
David Ellenson, former president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC), was known for his ability to be comfortable in various Jewish settings across denominations.
The essay explores the concept of rationality in relation to beliefs, specifically in the context of Judaism.
The text discusses the relevance of the Bible to our values and its influence on the extreme polarization between the right and the left.
Rabbi Scott Kahn and certified sex therapist Talli Rosenbaum co-host the podcast "Intimate Judaism," discussing intimate issues from a Jewish perspective, bridging the gap between Jewish law and practical relationships.
Raphy Nissel, a member of the Young Israel of North Beverly Hills synagogue, was attacked on his way to prayer services by a stranger who swung a belt at him and called him a Jew.
The article discusses the omission of Leonard Bernstein's Jewish identity in the new biopic "Maestro."
The article discusses the controversial group, Neturei Karta, known for their strong opposition to Zionism and collaboration with pro-Palestinian activists.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on the power of prayer in times of distress, drawing inspiration from the experience of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
Akiva and Chava Hart, a former hip hop dancer and makeup artist, respectively, have documented their journey of converting to Orthodox Judaism online through the House of Lev.
Shua Brick, a 29-year-old Orthodox Jewish man, is believed to be the first openly gay congregational rabbi within Orthodox Judaism.
In this personal reflection, the author, who left the Orthodox Hasidic community three years ago, expresses their longing and nostalgia for the sense of community and belonging they experienced during Sukkot in Crown Heights, the heart of the Chabad movement.
Rabbi Shua Brick, an openly gay Orthodox Jew, is breaking barriers in the Jewish community.
Rabbi Steven Greenberg, an Orthodox rabbi, publicly came out as gay in 1999, advocating for the inclusion and acceptance of gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews.
In this article, the author explores the difference in price between a $40 etrog and a $100 etrog, both of which are sold by young vendors in the Orthodox neighborhood of Pico-Robertson in Los Angeles.
In the book "Kidnapped!" by Motti Inbari, the author explores the story of Ruth Ben David, a French convert to Judaism, who was involved in the kidnapping of Yosef (Yossele) Schumacher, a young Israeli boy, in 1960.
The author reflects on their experience of observing two days for Jewish holidays while growing up outside of Israel, and the adjustments and challenges they faced upon making aliyah.
Rachael Fried and Henna Warman, a queer couple who recently got married, hosted a sheva brachot, a Jewish celebration, organized by Jewish Queer Youth (JQY).
The author reflects on their experience as an immigrant and the importance of Rosh Hashanah in navigating change.
The author reflects on their daughter's decision to join a Midrasha/IDF program after high school.
Mint Media, a Jewish media outlet, encourages readers to sign up for their newsletters to learn more about "Living Kiddush Hashem."
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and a symposium of Jewish leaders discuss the decline of spirituality in Orthodox Jewish life and ways to address it.
This article discusses the issue of singlehood within the Orthodox Jewish community.
This article discusses the issue of singlehood within the Jewish community, particularly in Orthodox circles.