Tag: Orthodox Judaism

The final season of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" finally portrays an observant Jewish lifestyle in a way that honors it.
During Sleepless Nights and Other Stories is a collection of fiction written by Anna Margolin, a visionary Jewish writer who used multiple pen names and lived an unconventional life for a woman of her time.
FrumGPT, an Orthodox chatbot based on rabbinic tradition and developed by Eli Hochberg, asserts that women should not serve as rabbis in line with Orthodox belief and places emphasis on their traditional roles as wives and mothers.
The author, Tamar Ross, responds to a review of the book "The Revelation at Sinai: What Does Torah from Heaven Mean?", edited by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden.
The author asserts that the State of Israel is a miraculous phenomenon.
Brian Mandel, a gay man, has been protesting outside Kehillas Hollywood Hills, an Orthodox synagogue in South Florida, every Shabbat since late January.
This photo essay by Agnieszka Traczewska documents the presence and revival of Hasidic Jewish life in Poland.
A 73-year-old Jewish man named Guy Taieb was shot while walking home from morning prayers in Los Angeles.
In this discussion on the state of Jewish Studies, the origins of the field are explored, noting that it emerged in the 19th century as scholars began analyzing Jewish texts using academic methods, rather than relying on traditional rabbinic, literary, or folk approaches.
"Chanshi" is a popular new Israeli show telling the story of a young Orthodox woman who embarks on a journey to Israel to have encounters with IDF soldiers, leaving behind her fiancé.
Zeev Remer, a freshman Orthodox Jewish basketball player at California Lutheran University, faces challenges balancing his observant lifestyle with sports, often having to explain Jewish practices like Shabbat and dietary restrictions to his Christian teammates.
In this article, several thinkers respond to Hillel Halkin's essay about the new Israeli government.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Channah Cohen, a researcher of the Orthodox Union's study on the Shidduch Crisis, discusses the two sides of the crisis: the Crisis of Process and the Crisis of Experience.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a renowned Jewish theologian, had a casual family visit with the author's parents in 1959.
The Israeli television show "Chanshi" tells the story of an engaged Orthodox Jewish girl from Brooklyn who flees to Israel to fulfill her fantasies of sleeping with Israeli soldiers.
The podcast episode discusses various current events, including the impact of heavy snowfall in the UK affecting heating costs, Israel's warm December and the ongoing negotiations following the recent election, specifically focusing on the potential deal with Yahadut HaTorah regarding electricity production on Shabbat.
The Shalom Hartman Institute has released a new podcast called "Heretic in the House" that explores what happens when people leave the Hasidic world.
This article discusses the role of mashgichim (kosher supervisors) in ensuring that food establishments comply with kosher dietary laws.
In this article, the Orthodox Union explores the future of food and its implications for Jewish dietary laws.
"The Power of Shabbos: Shabbat and Electricity in the 21st Century" by Rabbi Chaim Jachter explores the halachic issues surrounding the use of electricity on Shabbat.
In this podcast episode, Gil Student explores the concept of tshuvah (repentance) and personal change in the Jewish tradition.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky, a revered Torah scholar, left a lasting impact on the Jewish community.
Jewish outreach, or kiruv, is still active and has had some successes, although it has changed from its heyday in the 1990s.
Jewish organizations are increasingly turning to social media as a tool for outreach and engagement.
This article discusses the challenges of teaching and practicing tzniut (modesty) in today's oversharing world.