Tag: Pesach

After the tragic loss of their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in a terrorist attack in the Gaza Envelope, a bereaved Jewish family grapples with the challenges of mourning, memorialization, and resilience.
During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, Jews, though a minority in the population, played a significant role with approximately 10,000 Jewish men serving on both the Union and Confederate sides.
The author reflects on the challenges of facing post-holiday news in an uncertain world, particularly with rising antisemitism and other global concerns.
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linking it to non-Jewish practices.
The tradition of baking a shlissel challah in the shape of a key on the Shabbat after Pesach is rooted in a belief for financial blessings, symbolizing that livelihood is in God's hands.
The author reflects on participating in the Marathon des Sables, an ultra-marathon in the Sahara desert, where he initially struggled with the stark conditions but found inspiration in the resilience of the armed forces participants.
Sarah, a woman living in a settlement community in Israel, had a challenging day before Pesach, facing various mishaps.
The text features a collection of letters and reflections from readers published in Mishpacha Magazine.
This recipe provides a versatile and quick-to-make option for a Pesach meal, a cheesy vegetable frittata that can help make use of various leftover vegetables found in the fridge, such as broccoli, cauliflower, or roast potatoes.
This recipe introduces Pistachio Lemon Amaretti Biscuits as a delightful twist on traditional almond-based amaretti.
At a recent Passover Seder in Laurie Shelton's family, a new tradition called "The Other Four Questions" was introduced.
In preparation for Pesach, a Jewish writer reflects on the annual tradition of cleaning out cupboards and baking for the holiday.
During the last days of Pesach, Jews reflect on the Exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea, but do not celebrate to empathize with the suffering of the Egyptians.
Minina is a traditional Tunisian baked omelette that can be adapted for Pesach with versions featuring butternut squash, salmon, or chicken as the base.
This recipe features Pesach pistachio pesto-stuffed chicken, which can be made with a mixture of breast and thigh meat and served with roasted sweet and regular potatoes with green vegetables.
From April 26 to May 3, specific Shabbat and Pesach times are outlined.
This recipe offers a fresh and colorful vegan salad for Pesach, incorporating matzah in a creative way.
Amidst a challenging year for Israel and rising antisemitism, the celebration of Pesach carries deeper significance as parallels are drawn between historical persecution and current events.
A video demonstrating how to make the perfect soft boiled eggs for Passover.
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, reflects on the significance of Passover, emphasizing the themes of freedom, solidarity, and compassion.
Pesach's story of hope and redemption, as depicted in the Haggadah, has always been a source of strength for the Jewish people.
The text discusses various perspectives on Pesach from a rationalist viewpoint, covering topics such as the size of a kezayis, the significance of eating matzah, and the debates around traditional practices.
Rabbi Lara Haft Yom Tov reflects on the traditional Passover declaration "Let all who are hungry come and eat," emphasizing its call to feed the hungry.
A tutorial video demonstrating how to make a delicious and moist banana bread recipe suitable for Passover, including a list of ingredients and baking instructions.
The Pesach quiz covers various aspects of the biblical Exodus story.