Tag: Pikuach Nefesh

Rabbi Michael S. Beals, known as President Joe Biden's rabbi, suggests that it may be time for Biden to step aside for the greater good of safeguarding democracy, drawing parallels to the biblical concept of Pikuach nefesh, or saving a soul.
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, a respected posek, educator, and community rabbi who interacts with soldiers, shares insights on halachic dilemmas faced by soldiers during wartime.
The essay explores the intersection of Shabbat observance, chronic illness, and the importance of radical rest.
In this essay, the author recounts their experience of finding solace and meaning in Shabbat after being diagnosed with a chronic illness.
In this article, the author expresses support for a two-state solution but opposes giving land to Palestinians if it leads to a genocidal Palestinian entity that promotes violence against Jews.
In a conversation with Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer, a respected posek, he discusses various halachic questions that have arisen due to the recent Hamas attacks in Israel.
Sherri Mandell, the mother of a 13-year-old boy who was murdered by terrorists in Israel, reflects on the release of videos documenting a recent massacre and the impact of graphic violent imagery.
The article explores the concept of martyrdom in Judaism through the lens of the tragic death of Alina Palhati at a rave in Israel.
More than 500 people gathered in Columbus Circle in Manhattan on the first night of Hanukkah to call for a cease-fire in Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza.
Rav Aharon Feldman, a highly respected rabbi and member of Agudas Yisraels Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, released a letter explaining his decision to withdraw support from a pro-Israel rally in Washington.
The availability of Narcan, a nasal spray that can save the life of someone who has overdosed on opioids, is an important step in addressing the opioid crisis.
In this text, the author discusses the recent terrorist attacks on Jews in the West Bank and emphasizes the importance of pursuing justice and preserving life.
This article discusses a letter written by Jennifer Marks, a member of the Atlanta Orthodox community and a friend of the Siegel family.
This article discusses the importance of organ donation within the Jewish community.
The issue of vaccine triage and allocation in the context of limited COVID-19 vaccine doses is discussed from a Jewish perspective.
The Rabbinical Council of Bergen County, New Jersey, made the significant decision to shut down Jewish institutions in response to the coronavirus outbreak, emphasizing the importance of social distancing to save lives and support healthcare providers overwhelmed by the pandemic.
After years of delays and challenges, an Orthodox women's EMT corps named Ezras Nashim is set to launch in Brooklyn to cater to the needs of observant Jewish women who may feel uncomfortable being tended to by male EMTs due to religious modesty concerns.