Tag: Rabbis

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on the Modern Orthodox community, particularly in terms of decentralization and centralization.
Former President Donald Trump pardoned Elliott Broidy, a wealthy businessman who pleaded guilty to illegal lobbying, with support from five Los Angeles rabbis.
"When Rabbis Bless Congress: The Great American Story of Jewish Prayers on Capitol Hill," written by Howard Mortman, chronicles the 160-year history of rabbis addressing Congress.
In this text, the author presents a conceptual metaphor for the way in which Judaism views the presence of God.
The Second Temple Era was a challenging time for the Jewish people and the preservation of Torah.
Seder Academy offers daily Zoom tutorials to help those new to hosting a Passover Seder.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Jeremy Benstein discuss the impact of the Hebrew language on uniting or dividing Jews globally, the potential consequences of a third Knesset election in Israel, and the portrayal of Jewish identity in popular media like "Transparent."
Rabbis discussing politics in sermons is a topic of debate among scholars.
In a recycled edition of the Promised Podcast, the hosts delve into topics such as the implications of rabbis not protesting a liberal abortion law, the role of academics in politics, and Israeli parents' seemingly relaxed attitude towards their children's safety.
In "The Blood, Sweat & Milk Edition," Times of Israel Ops & Blogs Editor Miriam Herschlag, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss various significant topics, including the status of Druze Israelis, the impact of a Sephardi Ultra-Orthodox rise in 1983 on Israeli history, and Israeli women's resistance to government intrusion.
The discussion on The Promised Podcast covers three main topics: Israel's use of machine-learning AI for identifying potential lone terrorists, the monitoring of rabbinic lectures for sexist and homophobic content, and the proposal to replace price tags with smart screens and surge pricing in supermarkets.
The Talmudic text explores the rabbis' views on interactions between Jews and non-Jews, painting a picture of suspicion and potential harm directed towards Jews by pagans.
The article discusses the decentralization of religious authority in Orthodox Jewish life due to the absence of universally recognized Torah giants like Moshe Feinstein and Menachem Schneerson.
Talmud scholar Maggie Anton explores the topic of sex in early rabbinic literature in her book "Fifty Shades of Talmud: What the First Rabbis Had to Say about You-Know-What."
The discussion explores the translation of a Talmudic passage regarding the perceived suppression of the Book of Kohelet by the ancient sages.
The article discusses the Rabbinic attempt to remove the book of Kohelet from the Biblical canon, referencing a passage in Shabbat 30b.
The article discusses the intersection of Yom Kippur, the reading of Leviticus 18's sexual prohibitions, and the prevalent issue of sexual assault in society and Jewish communities.
The essay discusses the question of why God chose the Jewish people to receive the Torah, exploring various perspectives from different sources.
In a discussion among Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah, they explore why Israeli rabbis have remained silent on Israel's liberal abortion policy, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's demand for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, and the complexity of the African refugee situation in Israel.
In this discussion, Allison, Eilon, Don, and Noah cover three main topics: the exoneration of MK Avigdor Lieberman after a long investigation, the IDF's choice to purchase boots from American factories leading to consequences for a local factory and its employees, and recent legislative changes reducing the power of rabbis in Israel, potentially leading to significant shifts in Israeli society.
Jewish leaders in Israel, including rabbis and kabbalists, took to the skies on a plane to bless the land and prevent further deaths from the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu.