Tag: Rabbis

Hebrew Union College's decision to admit and ordain students in interfaith relationships marks a significant shift in American Judaism, acknowledging the reality of the community it serves.
A Missouri judge upheld the state's abortion ban, dismissing a lawsuit by a group of 14 interfaith clergy, including rabbis, who argued the ban violated religious freedom.
Various rabbis provide perspectives on whether one can be disqualified from being Jewish.
At a crucial moment for the Jewish community, Rabbi Josh Feigelson emphasizes the need to invest in supporting our rabbis, cantors, and spiritual leaders, whom he likens to Yodas – guiding, educating, and nurturing our communities.
Rabbi Josh Feigelson emphasizes the need to invest in supporting rabbis, cantors, and spiritual leaders, who serve as essential guides and mentors for the Jewish community.
The text discusses a group of US-based rabbis and cantors who have called for a ceasefire in the conflict involving Israel and Hamas, criticizing them for what the author sees as a lack of understanding of Jewish values and the security concerns facing Israel.
In his exploration of a Torah meditation in wartime, Dan Ornstein reflects on the biblical story of Yishmael in the desert and the moral implications of judging a person based on their present actions versus their potential future deeds.
Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture.
In this podcast episode, the subject of resurrection and its debate between rabbis and Romans is explored.
This text is from the Etgar Quiz no 249, which includes questions about Jewish figures and trivia.
The Great Canadian Sermon Slam, hosted by Bonjour Chai, is an annual event in Canadian Jewry where rabbis compete with their best sermons for the grand prize, the Kiddush Cup.
The ban on Conservative rabbis officiating at interfaith weddings will remain in place, according to the Rabbinical Assembly's standards committee.
This article explores the controversy surrounding Rashi's statements about the natural world.
The article discusses the experience of a young man who felt hurt and rejected by rabbis due to his sexual orientation.
The article "A Good Rabbi is Hard to Find" discusses the evolving role of rabbis in response to changing communal needs and declining synagogue attendance.
In this article, the author discusses their initial discomfort in talking about God with their congregation, due to the low percentage of American Jews who believe in God according to the Pew report.
The article explores the tension in Jewish thought between the idea of yeridat ha-dorot, the decline of the generations, and aliyat ha-dorot, the ascent of the generations.
This article explores the ethical implications of watching American football, particularly in light of the brain damage that players often suffer.
The text discusses a variety of Jewish topics, including a follow-up on the role of day schools in 2022 with Yehuda Kurtzer from the Shalom Hartman Institute, questioning the definition of success and social differentiation.
In this article by R. Dr. Harvey Belovski, the author explores the encounters between philosopher Baruch Spinoza and the rabbis of his time, highlighting their significant impact on the Jewish and philosophical worlds.
This text discusses the growing population of divorced parents and the lack of adequate support and attention it receives.
The slideshow showcases images of 770 Eastern Parkway, the headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch, as well as its replicas found in different parts of the world.
In this article, the author addresses the difficulties and decisions faced by rabbis in planning for High Holiday services during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
In this response to an essay by R. Ezra Schwartz, Nathaniel Helfgot discusses the centralization of halakhic decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on the Modern Orthodox community, particularly in terms of decentralization and centralization.