Tag: Responsibility

The video features Douglas Murray discussing the concept of responsibility for one's actions, possibly in relation to Israel or another geopolitical issue.
The article discusses the contemporary crisis of trust in leaders across political, corporate, and religious spheres, emphasizing the need for a new attitude towards leadership.
The text discusses a crisis of leadership in politics, business, and religion, highlighting widespread distrust towards leaders.
In this Shiur (lecture), the topic of Jewish influencers and their responsibilities is discussed.
Zionism has both blessed and burdened the Jewish people by liberating them through the establishment of the state of Israel.
The podcast discusses the sensational claim that a raccoon dog might be a new source of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The podcast discusses the aftermath of the Afghan War and the issue of accountability for its failure.
This text is a personal reflection on the author's last conversation with Rav Amital, a prominent Jewish religious leader.
The text delves into the legal and ethical questions surrounding whether a ship captain must go down with their sinking ship, exemplified by the trial of Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia.