Tag: Shiva

A young girl named Claire passed away from bone cancer at age 12, leaving her family devastated.
After losing her husband at a young age, the author recounts how her father stepped in to fill the void for her two sons.
Alon Mesika's 23-year-old son, Adir, was tragically murdered at a festival where he died trying to protect his girlfriend.
Tablet has a collection of stories about death and mourning, exploring Jewish rituals and personal experiences of loss.
The text delves into Jewish laws and traditions surrounding death and mourning, with a focus on the story of a man's complicated relationship with his estranged father who passed away.
The author reflects on their experiences attending funerals with their father in the 1970s in the Bronx, where they observed a sense of Jewish identity and cultural nostalgia among mourners.
In an article discussing the parallels between the Jewish ritual of shiva and psychoanalysis, Professor Joyce Slochower argues that both relationships provide a holding function that allows for emotional expression without the expectation of reciprocity.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove discusses the relevance of Jewish mourning rituals in coping with the staggering losses experienced by the global Jewish community, particularly in relation to the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack in Israel.
Maurice Shnaider, whose sister and brother-in-law were murdered by Hamas terrorists, emphasizes the importance of unity in the Jewish community and expresses gratitude for the outpouring of support during his shiva.
The publisher of Jewish Currents reflects on the wisdom of the shiva, the seven-day mourning period after a family member's death.
The article tells the story of Ariel Eliyahu, a 19-year-old IDF soldier who was killed while fighting Hamas.
The author reflects on her experience of losing her parents and the role her daughter played in her process of grief.
The story follows a narrator attending the funeral of his childhood friend Steven's father.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience of mourning her father, who was a prominent rabbi.
In this Shiur (Jewish lesson) on miscarriage in Halacha (Jewish law), various questions are addressed regarding the halachic status and practices related to miscarriage.
The recent episode of Disney+'s Moon Knight reveals the Jewish background of the main character, Marc Spector.
The Jewish tradition of shiva, a week-long period of mourning following the funeral of a first-degree relative, has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The author reflects on a family tradition of cutting and throwing away the shoes of deceased relatives.
The author shares her personal experience of holding a Zoom shiva following her mother's death due to complications from COVID-19.
The author shares their experience of sitting shiva alone for their father during the pandemic.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author reflects on their experience attending virtual mourning rituals after a friend's mother's passing, unable to physically attend the funeral and shiva.
In 1918, amidst the influenza epidemic, the Yiddish Forverts published guidance from Rabbi Gavriel Zev Margolis, known as Reb Velvele, on adjusting mourning practices for those affected by the pandemic.
The author recounts their complex relationship with their abusive father following his unexpected death.
After the sudden death of the author's father, traditional Jewish rituals of mourning, such as aninut and sitting shiva, did not offer much comfort.
The text discusses the intersection of Jewish identity and the digital world, critiquing the notion of a shiva app and the internet's inherent lack of Jewishness.