
"The Commandants Shadow" is a new documentary that delves into the lives of the children of Rudolf Hss, the Nazi commandant of Auschwitz, exploring what they knew about the Holocaust.
The article discusses the efforts of Sharon Rosen Leib to raise awareness and highlight the significant contributions of Jewish founders in the establishment and growth of Hollywood, particularly her great-grandfather Sol M. Wurtzel, at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles.
During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, Jews, though a minority in the population, played a significant role with approximately 10,000 Jewish men serving on both the Union and Confederate sides.
The text discusses the importance of having a British Jewish History Month to recognize and celebrate the contributions of British Jews to various fields like art, literature, music, and more.
Stanley Corngold, a Princeton scholar of German literature, formed an unexpected friendship with Jack Greenberg, a Columbia law professor involved in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, through their mutual interest in Franz Kafka.
In the 18Forty Podcast episode featuring Jack Wertheimer, a professor of American Jewish history, the discussion focuses on the radical transformations in American Jewish practice during the past century.
The essay discusses the origins of the popular wartime saying "Am Yisrael Chai" (The People of Israel Live) which was written by Shlomo Carlebach in the mid-1960s at the request of Jacob Birnbaum for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry movement.
The text discusses the author's realization of living near a World War II naval hero, Adm. Leon Kintberger, and reflects on his heroic actions in the Pacific.
The discussion highlights the experiences of Jewish U.S. military veterans, featuring Dave Warnock, U.S. Army Veteran, and Andrea Goldstein, U.S. Navy Veteran and Reservist, within the context of Jewish American Heritage Month.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around the Baal HaTanya's relocation to Liadi and his decision not to return to Liozna.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck emphasizes the need to confront evil and unite against it in the face of historical tragedies like the Holocaust and present-day threats like those posed by Hamas.
Yonatan Adler responds to Malka Simkovich's review of his book, "The Origins of Judaism," emphasizing his focus on when ordinary Jews began following Torah as authoritative law rather than exploring intellectual history.
Malka Simkovich responds to Yonatan Adler's work on the origins of Judaism, expressing concerns over Adler's focus on social practices over intellectual ideas in defining Jewish identity.
Malka Simkovich reviewed Yonatan Adler's book "The Origins of Judaism: An Archeological-Historical Reappraisal" in which Adler argues that Judaism, as we currently understand it, did not exist until the Hasmonean era.
Zili Wenkert, an 83-year-old Holocaust survivor in Gedera, Israel, has been deeply distressed since her grandson, Omer Wenkert, was abducted by Hamas in October.
Before the First World War, students from Western countries rarely attended Lithuanian yeshivas due to political unrest in the region.
"The Jews Are Coming," a popular sketch comedy show in Israel, known for its irreverent humor about Jewish history, took a serious turn in response to the current challenges facing Israelis.
The Israeli comedy show "The Jews Are Coming" aired a sketch addressing intergenerational Jewish trauma following a recent tragic event on October 7.
A fragment of Jewish pottery found in Egypt sheds light on a woman's role in ancient Jewish history that has been overlooked.
The Republican-dominated House Committee on Education and the Workforce has been conducting hearings on campus antisemitism, with college presidents like those from UCLA, Northwestern, and Rutgers facing intense scrutiny, reminiscent of McCarthyism tactics.
David Bryfman, CEO of the Jewish Education Project, emphasizes the importance of creating Jewish memory amidst current historic moments, such as Oct. 7 and subsequent events.
The letters to the editor cover various topics of concern within the Jewish community.
Maxwell Smart, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor, recounts his harrowing experience of hiding from the Nazis in the forest for a year as a young boy in a new film adaptation based on his book.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, is on a mission to enhance understanding of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world by offering free access to content for people worldwide.
Former President Donald Trump has been linked to Hitler and the Nazis through various incidents and statements since his 2016 campaign.

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