
In examining the beliefs and practices of Modern Orthodox Jews, there is a discussion around their comfort level with mysticism and anthropomorphism in Judaism.
In a recent podcast episode titled "The For the Sins We Have Sinned Edition," hosts Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Miriam Herschlag discuss various topics including conflicting opinions on PM Netanyahu's political future, young settlers embracing post-Zionism inspired by thinkers like Foucault and Derrida, and reflections on collective sins to consider on Yom Kippur.
In this edition, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Miriam Herschlag discuss conflicting public opinion about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, with varied views on his strength and future.
The text explores the concept of repentance and moral conflict through a discussion of Aristotle's ideas on akrasia (weakness of the will) and Alasdair MacIntyre's views on desire, practical reasoning, and narrative ethics.
Emil Fackenheim, a renowned Jewish thinker known for his assertion about the 614th commandment after the Holocaust, was a philosopher and Rabbi who experienced the horrors of Kristallnacht and the Holocaust firsthand.
Bruno Chaouat's book, "Is Theory Good for the Jews?" critically examines how postmodern theorists in Europe and America have often failed to effectively address rising anti-Semitism and have at times perpetuated anti-Semitic sentiments, particularly in relation to Israel.
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are traditionally times for prayer and introspection, seeking atonement and blessings for the coming year.
Rav Shimshon Pincus' book, "Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of TefillahSpanning the Spectrum of Prayer," explores the nuances and importance of prayer, emphasizing the need for understanding and growth in one's prayer practice.
This article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been helpful for personal prayer and teaching.
In a reflection on a recent court case involving get-torturers, the focus lies on the courts' dismissal of the torturers' claims of religious liberty under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
Eileen Barker, a prominent sociologist of religion visiting Israel, discusses the role of religion in society with the Tel Aviv Review.
George Romero, known for his zombie movies, is likened to I.B. Singer for delving into the darker aspects of humanity.
On the 350th anniversary of Spinoza's death, his radical ideas still resonate today.
Rav Shagar, a unique and influential Israeli thinker, sought to bridge the gap between Torah truths and modern/postmodern culture, addressing contemporary intellectual and spiritual challenges through the lenses of Hasidut, Kabbalah, and philosophy.
The text discusses the intersection of medicine and philosophy through the perspectives of Jewish philosophers Maimonides and Spinoza.
Jacob Taubes and Arthur A. Cohen, both with deep connections to Jewish scholarship and thought, engaged in a heated exchange in 1977 in Paris regarding Simone Weil's critique of Judaism.
The text discusses various scholarly and historical perspectives related to Jewish themes.
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky's exploration of the concept of elu ve-elu divrei Elokim hayyim raises questions about the Torah-prophecy relationship, particularly in Yirmiyahu chapter twenty-three.
The text discusses the nature of Halakhic civil law, focusing on the eternal and divine origin of Jewish civil laws as revealed in the Torah.
Rav Shagar, an influential thinker in Israel's Dati Leumi community, focused on the concept of accepting the yoke of Heaven in his teachings.
Rabbi Bezalel Naor's analysis of Rambam and Rabbi Nahman of Breslov's perspectives on poetry reveals contrasting views.
Bezalel Naor delves into the comparison between the Jewish and Hellenic views of leadership and the ideal states through the lenses of Talmudic legends and the works of philosophers like Plato and Maimonides.
Dr. Olga Kirschbaum, a historian, delves into the intellectual circles Hannah Arendt moved in as she matured professionally in the Weimar Republic and beyond.
Lawrence J. Kaplan responds to criticism from Rabbi Aryeh Klapper regarding his translation of Rav Soloveitchik's "Ish ha-Halakhah," emphasizing the challenge of translating the Rav's work for new audiences.
Rebecca Goldstein's book "Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity" sparked intense engagement from a previous reader, evidenced by extensive notes and comments in Yiddish, English, Spanish, and Hebrew throughout the text.

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