Tag: Communism

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, in a sermon on the 150th anniversary of the United States Constitution, praised America for having a government structure that resists totalitarianism, contrasting it with the fascist and communist regimes in Europe.
Isaac Deutscher, a former Gerer Hasid who became a prominent Marxist journalist and historian, underwent a transformative journey from his Jewish roots to a secular worldview.
Photographer Yuri Dojc's exhibition "Last Folio" captures the remnants of Slovakia's Jewish community post-Communism, showcasing abandoned synagogues, dilapidated books, and elderly individuals, symbolizing a community that thrived in the past.
Dr. Nir Arielli discusses the intriguing life of his great aunt, Leah Trachtman-Palchan, who was a Communist activist deported from British-ruled Palestine to the Soviet Union, only to later rediscover her Zionism.
The author embarks on a journey to discover why his grandfather, a Jewish teenager named David Dombroff, fought in the Spanish Civil War as part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
Jonathan Sperber's biography of Karl Marx portrays him as a figure of the 19th century, highlighting his bourgeois origins, lifestyle, and approach to revolution.
Born in Zamosc, Poland in the 19th century, Rosa Luxemburg, a prominent figure in socialist parties in Poland and Germany, dedicated her life to fighting capitalism.
"Life is with People" is a significant portrayal of Eastern European Jewish life that nostalgically captures the essence of shtetl culture in a buoyant and accessible manner.
Eric Hobsbawm, a prominent historian, was born in 1917 and was known for his strong commitment to communism, which significantly influenced his views on Judaism and Jewish history.
During the 1970s, American Jewish activists successfully pressured Congress to pass the Jackson-Vanik amendment, linking trade with the Soviet Union to the emigration rights of Russian Jews, thereby influencing American foreign policy and emphasizing human rights over national sovereignty.