Tag: Covenant

The article discusses the concept of social contracts and covenants, drawing parallels between historical events like the American War of Independence and the French Revolution with the Jewish covenant at Mt. Sinai.
Temple Bnai Or, a Reform congregation in Morristown, N.J., underwent changes in its senior team, prompting the creation of a covenant guided by Rabbi Michael Satz to enhance organizational culture and teamwork.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik delves into the Haggadah's political significance, suggesting it can be seen as a key work of Jewish political thought due to its exploration of themes like freedom, oppression, covenant, constitution, state, society, law, and national aspirations.
In this article, the author argues that despite the current challenges faced by America, the country is going to be fine and even better than before.
This poem, titled "Eight Days," tells the story of a woman in a ghetto during the Holocaust who gives birth to a baby boy.
The author explores the significance of the storytelling aspect of the Passover Seder and its role in the creation of the Jewish nation.
This article explores the relationship between Abraham and his two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, in the context of the story of the binding of Isaac.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the relationship between God and the Jewish people in a four-part episode.
The Torah does not have books dedicated exclusively to the topic of leadership, despite containing wisdom on the subject.
The text discusses the concept of renewal in the Jewish New Year.
Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land, edited by Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik and others from Yeshiva University, delves into the profound influence of the Hebrew Bible on the founding and development of America.
The text explores the peculiar reward promised in the fifth commandment, which declares that honoring parents will result in a long life on the earth that God gives.
The article explores the story of Pinhas from a Torah perspective, emphasizing the theme of using violent force for a positive outcome.
The symposium on women and Torah learning highlighted the support from Jewish leaders like the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Lichtenstein for women engaging in high-level Torah study.
The text explores the rationale behind Shabbat observance in Judaism, highlighting two main perspectives: one based on God's resting after creating the world, emphasized in Exodus, and another focused on commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and promoting social equality, as articulated in Deuteronomy.
Judaism's complexity arises from its dual founding: first with Abraham in Genesis as a familial covenant based on promises to his descendants, and then with Moses in Exodus, where God gives commandments forming a contractual relationship with all of Israel.