Tag: Funeral

Rabbi Daniel Cohen emphasizes the importance and power of crafting a meaningful eulogy, highlighting that it is a crucial moment to honor the deceased and bring comfort to the grieving.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman's funeral in Stamford, Connecticut, drew a diverse crowd of mourners who remembered him as a model of decency and bipartisan cooperation that is lacking in today's politics.
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror.
The story follows a narrator attending the funeral of his childhood friend Steven's father.
The author reflects on the funeral of his uncle, who served in World War II and was honored for his military service.
In this column, two stories of kindness are highlighted.
In this heartfelt personal reflection, the author describes his experience of sitting shiva for his father via Zoom during the pandemic.
The article criticizes Mayor Bill de Blasio for singling out New York's Jewish community in enforcing social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author reflects on their experience attending virtual mourning rituals after a friend's mother's passing, unable to physically attend the funeral and shiva.
In a moving eulogy for John McCain, Joe Lieberman highlighted McCain's respect for Lieberman's Jewish practices and their shared love for Jerusalem.
Henry Kissinger's eulogy for John McCain at the National Cathedral stood out as the most remarkable among the orations given, contrasting with Barack Obama's speech, which was deemed unsatisfactory due to being self-focused rather than centered on America's significance.
Yom Kippur, a holiday filled with reflections on mortality, often sees children hurried out of the Yizkor service by parents wanting to shield them from discussions on death.