Tag: Hamas

Amidst a challenging year for Israel and rising antisemitism, the celebration of Pesach carries deeper significance as parallels are drawn between historical persecution and current events.
A former British soldier visited Israel and gained a deeper understanding of the Gaza war on October 7 through firsthand experience.
The text discusses the presence of militant pro-Hamas sentiments at Columbia University's Gaza solidarity encampment, highlighting chants against Jews and the glorification of violence.
The essay discusses reevaluating priorities in Israel following the Hamas-led kidnappings, emphasizing the need to prioritize securing the release of Israeli hostages.
Recently, there has been discussion about American views regarding Israel since October 2023, highlighting differing perspectives among Jewish and non-Jewish Americans.
The text discusses the historical context of Israel's struggles for independence and security, highlighting Golda Meir's speech in 1948 emphasizing the Jewish people's right to self-determination in their historic homeland.
In this 18Forty Podcast episode, Rachel Goldberg-Polin shares her experience as the mother of a son, Hersh, who was kidnapped by Hamas and remains a hostage in Gaza.
Rachel Goldberg-Polin, a mother whose son Hersh was kidnapped by Hamas and remains a hostage in Gaza, discusses the challenges of celebrating Passover with missing loved ones in an episode of the 18Forty Podcast.
The text discusses the ongoing conflicts and tensions in the Middle East, particularly regarding the United States' policies towards Iran and Israel, as well as the dynamics with various terrorist groups and regional powers.
Families of Israeli hostages in Gaza, facing a somber Passover, are struggling to celebrate the holiday of freedom while their loved ones remain captive, with some opting for subdued seders and unique rituals to honor the missing.
This article discusses how many Israeli families, including those with loved ones held hostage by Hamas, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year, a holiday that symbolizes freedom.
Many Israeli families, including those who have loved ones held hostage, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year due to feelings of sadness and frustration over the captivity of their relatives by Hamas.
An interactive exhibit in NYC recreates the tragic events of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival massacre in southern Israel, where Hamas militants killed hundreds of festival-goers.
During a meeting between South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa and Jewish leaders to address rising antisemitism, Ramaphosa surprised the Jewish community by primarily focusing on accusing Israel of genocide, citing this meeting when South Africa charged Israel with genocide at the International Court of Justice.
As Passover approaches, the author grapples with celebrating the holiday while hostages remain captive in Gaza for over six months.
As Passover approaches, the heavy atmosphere of recent events weighs on many Jewish minds, with concerns ranging from anti-Semitism to conflicts in the Middle East.
Jonathan Schanzer discusses the Israeli strike on Iran and its potential impact on deterrence in the Middle East, suggesting it could be a significant moment in the region's history.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), an Iranian military force, has been involved in spreading Iran's Islamist ideology, sponsoring terrorism, and pursuing the destruction of Israel.
The text discusses a panel where a participant grapples with feeling sympathy for both Israelis and Palestinians affected by conflict.
Israel is facing challenges in the realm of public relations amidst its conflict with Hamas, which has a strong PR machine influencing international opinion.
Passover trips to, from, and within Israel are experiencing a significant increase in cancellations, with a 65% decrease in Passover travel compared to last year due to ongoing security concerns and conflicts in the region.
The text discusses how some in the literary world are shifting from promoting freedom of expression to supporting propaganda by Hamas and Palestinian activism, often targeting individuals associated with Israel, particularly Jews, for bullying, banning, and boycotting.
The text discusses the concept of collective punishment in relation to the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, arguing that it might be necessary due to the support for terrorism among a significant portion of the Palestinian population.
A survey conducted during the Gaza war found that most American Jews felt emotionally close to Israel but were uncomfortable with the actions of its government.
FBI director Christopher Wray reported that FBI investigations into anti-Jewish hate crimes tripled after Oct. 7, following a surge of threats to Jewish people in the United States.