Tag: Hamas

The text explores the deep-seated hatred of Israel among some individuals, emphasizing the intertwined factors of Marxism, social reorganization, underprivileged seeking fulfillment, groupthink, and especially the influence of anti-Semitism, portraying it as a complex amalgamation of various influences.
Tel Aviv-based journalist Neri Zilber, accompanied by Michael Koplow and Shira Efron from the Israel Policy Forum, discuss the current situation on U.S. college campuses related to the Gaza war, the potential for a ceasefire deal involving hostages between Israel and Hamas, and the status of the war after almost seven months.
The essay discusses academia's role in the Israeli military conflict in Gaza, highlighting moral philosophers' differing views on the actions of Israel and Hamas.
Harvard professor Steve Kelman reflects on the extremism of student protesters in a recent article, drawing parallels between current pro-Palestinian activism and the radicalism he observed during his undergraduate years in the late 1960s.
The author criticizes mainstream media for biased reporting on clashes between police and pro-Palestinian demonstrators at UCLA, portraying the police negatively and overlooking protester law-breaking.
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist.
The text discusses the Biden administration's controversial stance towards Hamas, emphasizing their protection and support for the terror group despite its actions.
The Reynolds Journalism Institute awarded the Associated Press the Team Picture Story of the Year for a collection of photos including ones by Gazan-based freelancers that depicted distressing scenes from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Noa Tishby, an Israeli activist, actor, and advocate for Israel, has been actively using social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to raise awareness about the recent conflicts involving Israel, such as the Israel-Hamas war and the rise of antisemitism.
The video delves into the lesser-known but highly radical Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group and its history of utilizing terror tactics to challenge the notion of peace in the Middle East, from its origins by Dr. Fathi Shaqaqi, its connection to Hezbollah and Iran, to its reputation for pioneering suicide attacks.
Rabbi Haviva Ner-David, a peace activist in Israel, pens an open letter to anti-Israel student activists at Western universities, expressing her pro-Palestinian and pro-Jewish identity.
In this article, the author criticizes PEN America for canceling its literary festival and awards ceremony due to authors withdrawing over PEN's alleged failure to denounce Israel amidst the Gaza conflict.
The text discusses the persistent anti-Semitism faced by Jews globally, exemplified by the world's reaction to Israel's response to Gaza and the ongoing hatred towards living Jews and the State of Israel.
The text discusses the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, highlighting its significance during the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The author reflects on encountering an empty college protest site, highlighting that such demonstrations represent a small fraction of the student body.
The article discusses a controversial award-winning photograph showing the body of Shani Louk, a German-Israeli woman kidnapped and murdered by Hamas, being celebrated in a truck.
The YouTube video highlights Lahav Deri and his brothers' survival of the Nova Massacre during Hamas' invasion of Israel, showcasing their determination to fight back against terrorists in the country's south.
The text discusses the author's Islamophobic views, citing experiences of Palestinian terrorism rooted in Islamic fundamentalism and the history of conflicts involving Israel and Palestine.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid is worried that if President Joe Biden loses reelection, Israel may be viewed as a liability rather than an asset in American politics, especially due to growing criticism of Bidens handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Hamas released a video featuring two hostages, Omri Miran and Keith Siegel, expressing a desire for a ceasefire and release.
This article discusses the challenges faced on college campuses during Passover, focusing on the current crisis in the Middle East and the rise of antisemitism worldwide.
The text does not provide information on whether Hamas is brilliant or discuss any substantive content related to the group.
The letters to the editor cover a range of topics including the debate on a Palestinian state next to Israel, criticism of Hamas and support for its destruction, defending Netanyahu's achievements despite his flaws, mixed feelings about Jewish holidays and concerns over events in Israel, the importance of building relations between the Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, and Chinese communities, and the establishment and accomplishments of the British Indian Jewish Association to foster ties between the Indian and Jewish communities in the UK based on common values and shared aspirations.
An Israeli peace activist, also a Columbia University alum, criticizes the Gaza war protesters at Columbia for chanting violent slogans implying the destruction of Israel and the murder of its citizens.
Benzi Brofman, an Israeli artist, has been painting portraits of Israelis who lost their lives to attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7, including soldiers, festival attendees, and residents of Gaza-area communities.