Tag: Jewish Faith

Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, addresses various challenges faced by congregants during wartime, including soldiers' dilemmas about weddings, honesty with parents, and questions of faith.
Rabbi Gordon tells a short story emphasizing the significance of the Torah in providing strength and guidance.
In "On Call Chapter 10: People I Know," Ayala Rubin, an ER doctor, reflects on the emotional challenges of treating familiar faces like Nora, a coworker diagnosed with an inoperable tumor, and Rabbi Weiss, a neighbor experiencing a heart issue.
Rabbi Avraham Gutterman ztzl donated a sefer Torah in the zechus of a refuah for his son, Rav Chaim Michoel Gutterman, who was gravely ill with liver and kidney damage.
The article discusses the significance of the Shema Koleinu blessing in the Shemoneh Esreh prayer.
In issue 1014 of The Moment by Mishpacha Magazine, a story is shared about Yehudah, a farmer in Eretz Yisrael who experienced miracles in Gaza due to keeping shemittah.
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.
In a discussion on spiritual resilience, three rabbis reflect on God, Torah, and Israel.
Denis Hirson's memoir, "My Thirty-Minute Bar Mitzvah," delves into his complex relationship with his Jewish identity, upbringing in apartheid South Africa, and his father's unexpected political activism.
The text discusses the humility and reliance on divine intervention that an ER doctor expresses when questioned about the feeling of saving lives.
In this text, the focus is on the story of the Karliner Rebbe, Rav Avraham Elimelech Perlow, who, in May 1939, visited Israel to pray for mercy amidst the impending darkness of the Holocaust.
A mother reflects on her daily tasks and responsibilities, feeling inadequate compared to what she perceives as more significant contributions to the world.
The text describes personal anecdotes related to financial matters and the concept of bitachon, or trust in God.
A man recalls a special moment with his father at a hockey game in 1986 where he received a puck from his favorite player, Mike Bossy, as a gift.
The author reflects on the challenges of celebrating Israel's Independence Day while the country is in turmoil, particularly grappling with ongoing conflicts and the ethical implications of occupying another people.
The text follows a poignant journey of grief and loss as a woman shares the heartbreaking experience of losing her baby just before birth.
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist.
A mother describes the challenges of caring for her struggling daughter, Chaya Leah, amidst family chaos and emotional turmoil.
Vice President Harry S. Truman delivered a Passover address in 1945, praising Jewish contributions to ethics and expressing gratitude for their resilience and support for oppressed minorities.
Chana Weisberg recounts the selfless act of her late father, Rabbi Dovid Schochet, who spent a night in jail to assist another Jew in performing a mitzvah.
Amanda Spiro shares her journey of being diagnosed with cancer at a young age and how the experience led her to discover her Jewish faith and sense the presence of a higher power in her life.
Hershel Gottdiener, a discreet benefactor from Monsey, is known for quietly performing acts of chesed such as aiding impoverished families, bailing out Jews from third-world prisons, and helping individuals in need.
A woman shares her heartbreaking experiences of losing four family members to terrorism while maintaining faith and hope.
On an ordinary Monday in Israel, the narrator is uplifted by the joyful singing of schoolboys celebrating Rosh Chodesh Adar with traditional Jewish songs.
The owner of Weathered Waves bar in Salt Lake City sparked controversy by posting on Instagram that no Zionists are allowed, equating Zionism with racism and white supremacy but claiming not to be antisemitic.