Tag: Jewish Faith

The text discusses the challenges of unanswered prayers, particularly in the context of current events affecting Israel and the Jewish people.
The author reflects on the pride they feel in being part of the Jewish people, particularly in light of the sacrifices made by Israeli soldiers.
In this episode, Yael Krumbein discusses the story of Joanna of Burgos, a woman whose faith was tested during the 1391 massacres in Spain and the Spanish Inquisition.
This diary entry provides insight into the experience of an IDF soldier during a war.
The author addresses the issue of religion being used as a justification for violence, specifically in relation to the events perpetrated by Hamas.
In this article, the author reflects on the dilemma of whether Jewish parents should preserve the magic of Santa Claus for their children.
In this article, the author explores the significance of the Hanukkah candles and their relation to other Jewish rituals, such as Friday night kiddush and the four cups drunk at the Pesah seder.
In this essay, Rabbi Arik Ascherman reflects on the current state of Israel and the challenges faced by those who oppose the occupation and advocate for justice.
The demand for olive-green tzitzit for IDF soldiers has increased significantly since the start of the war.
Charly Wai Feldman, a Canadian filmmaker, discusses her documentary "Long Distance Swimmer: Sara Mardini," which profiles a Syrian refugee turned Olympic athlete and global refugee ambassador, whose story was adapted into the hit Netflix film "The Swimmers."
This article describes the author's search for information about her grandmothers, who were Holocaust victims.
Charly Wai Feldman, a filmmaker with a diverse background, views Judaism as a central part of her identity, despite her global upbringing.
Rabbi Yidel Glatt, a strict follower of the Torah, died of starvation due to his extreme adherence to the laws of the Torah.
A documentary filmmaker, Tams Wormser, explores the story of a Jewish community in rural Uganda striving for recognition by Israel in the film "Shalom Putti," screening at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival.
This article discusses the hunt for Judah P. Benjamin, the former secretary of state of the Confederacy, who was believed to have played a role in the plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.
A group representing all denominations of the Jewish faith has announced several modifications to shorten synagogue services, following the lead of Major League Baseball in streamlining rules to increase fan attendance.
In "Of Prayer in Solitude," Dov Frank explores the experience of praying alone in nature, away from the traditional Jewish community.
In this episode, host Avishay Artsy speaks with guest scholars Clémence Boulouque and Hartley Lachter about the multifaceted nature of Kabbalah.
Felix Frankfurter was the first foreign-born Jew to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939 under Franklin Roosevelt, embodying the promise of America for many Jewish immigrants.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous email sender discusses their struggles with the Oral Torah and their continued faith despite uncertainty.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Mirlana Morris discusses the loss of her son, Donny, in the Meron tragedy and how she chooses to live a life of emunah (faith) rather than being angry with God.
The author reflects on the fragility of matzo, both physically and symbolically.
The concept of Torah u-Madda, the integration of Torah and secular studies, has been discussed in the Modern Orthodox community for many years.
Nissim Black, the Israeli-American rapper, discusses his career, experiences as a Black Jew in Israel, and his music's connection to his Jewish faith.
This text discusses the concept of what happens after we die in the context of the idea of reward and punishment in the post-mortem life.