Tag: Jewish Observance

The article discusses the complexities of mourning practices during the Omer period, the seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot.
The video discusses how Sam Salz incorporates Jewish pride and observance into his life while balancing a rising football career that does not involve playing on Shabbat.
The video captures a Mother's Day brunch celebration.
The author commends Jewish students observing Shabbat and performing mitzvot at the United for Palestine encampment at the University of Chicago, clarifying their enthusiastic support for these actions, which were featured in a Chicago Tribune article.
In preparation for Pesach, a Jewish writer reflects on the annual tradition of cleaning out cupboards and baking for the holiday.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" explores themes of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and assimilation, with a focus on a Jewish comedian crashing a white supremacist meeting in Queens.
The article discusses the dilemma the author faces between her newfound obsession with Caitlin Clark, a star basketball player, and observing Shabbat.
Joe Lieberman was a prominent politician known for his observant Jewish faith and commitment to public service.
In a discussion forum on Reddit, participants were asked to describe their Jewish observance in three words and share what it means to them.
Yonatan Adler's book, "The Origins of Judaism: An Archaeological-Historical Reappraisal," challenges the traditional Jewish origin story by arguing that Jews did not begin to treat the Torah as an authoritative text until the Hasmonean era around 140 BCE.
In the Torah portion Vayigash, Joseph warns his brothers not to become agitated on their journey home.
In this essay, the author reflects on the importance of hope in the Jewish tradition and the current state of the Jewish world.
In this personal reflection, the author, who left the Orthodox Hasidic community three years ago, expresses their longing and nostalgia for the sense of community and belonging they experienced during Sukkot in Crown Heights, the heart of the Chabad movement.
A Jew who is not observant wonders if it is acceptable to take off classes for Yom Kippur, despite not being religiously committed.
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is the front-runner to be the next U.S. ambassador to Israel, according to sources.
Brandeis University, though not Orthodox, has been inclusive and accommodating for observant Jews.
Zeev Remer, a freshman Orthodox Jewish basketball player at California Lutheran University, faces challenges balancing his observant lifestyle with sports, often having to explain Jewish practices like Shabbat and dietary restrictions to his Christian teammates.
In this podcast episode, Gil Student explores the concept of tshuvah (repentance) and personal change in the Jewish tradition.
In this rebroadcasted podcast episode, Gil Student engages in a conversation about personal change and repentance, or teshuvah, as the Jewish calendar prompts reflection on these themes.
The author reflects on the current state of antisemitism in Europe, discussing the increasing violence and harassment faced by Jews and the feeling of fear and isolation among the Jewish community.
In a recent op-ed for the Washington Post, Elisha Wiesel, son of the late Elie Wiesel, discusses the honoring of his father through a sculpture of his likeness in the National Cathedral in Washington, DC.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, journalist Judith Shulevitz discusses the world of Shabbos (the Sabbath).
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Senator Joe Lieberman discusses the gift of Shabbos.
The author reflects on how their obsession with their Peloton exercise bike parallels their observance of Judaism.
Arie Dana, a Hasidic Jew, has become the first chief of staff for a member of Congress to be visibly Hasidic in appearance and observance.