Tag: Jewish Unity

Amy Stoken reflects on Jewish unity amidst political divisions and a resurgence of antisemitism, noting the importance of avoiding internal splits over political differences.
A group of rabbis, including Rebecca Alpert, met with the UN Secretary General to support the call for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized Israel's actions.
In 1992, a symposium on Orthodox unity addressed significant halakhic issues and challenges facing the Jewish community, including internal divisions, outreach, women's Torah study, and community unity.
The video showcases an initiative allowing individuals to have their letter written in a real Torah scroll, promoting unity among Jewish people through this unique opportunity.
The essay discusses the origins of the popular wartime saying "Am Yisrael Chai" (The People of Israel Live) which was written by Shlomo Carlebach in the mid-1960s at the request of Jacob Birnbaum for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry movement.
The video discusses the significance of Lag BaOmer, a Jewish holiday commemorated with bonfires and dancing, emphasizing themes of unity and mysticism.
In the aftermath of an attack on Oct. 7, which led to a strong display of Jewish unity, there is a call for this unity to include queer Jews.
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon has composed a special prayer for Israel to be recited at Pesach Sedarim, expressing gratitude for living in a time of redemption and witnessing the establishment of the country.
A proposal has emerged from Charedi parties in Israel suggesting drafting approximately 25% of yeshiva students annually, possibly rising to nearly 50%, a significant departure from longstanding opposition to the draft due to concerns about impacting religious practice.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Israeli President Isaac Herzog have each added letters to a Torah scroll dedicated to peace for their countries.
The YouTube video explores the connection between the Bene Menashe community in India and the tribe of Menashe, delving into their claims of descent from ancient Israel and the challenges they face in asserting their Jewish identity amidst ethnic violence and discrimination.
Senator Joe Lieberman, who recently passed away, was a man known for his integrity, bipartisanship, and devotion to his faith and family.
The article discusses the debate within the American Jewish community regarding the criticism of the Israeli government's actions in war, focusing on Senator Schumer's criticism and the call for unity.
The essay, written by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, discusses the feeling of loneliness experienced by many Jews in the face of global condemnation, particularly during conflicts involving Israel.
The text discusses the importance of unity within Israel, drawing parallels to the story of Esther and the theme of division propagated by Haman.
Yishai Green, known for throwing money at dancing bochurim in a provocative act, has undergone a transformation, renouncing his past actions and seeking unity and reconciliation in Israeli society.
Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Central Park to mark 150 days since an October 7 attack on Israel left over 250 hostages, with more than 100 remaining in Gaza.
In the wake of a tragic event, the theme of unity among the Jewish people emerges strongly, with acts of kindness and solidarity across different Jewish communities being highlighted.
The article portrays a unified Jewish world facing various challenges.
There is a growing divide among religious Jews in Israel over military service, particularly within the Charedi community.
A Jewish professional reflects on an impactful trip to Israel with Birthright, where professionals from various Jewish organizations, including Hillel, Chabad, and advocacy groups, came together for a week of shared learning and unity in the wake of a national tragedy.
The author reflects on the lack of understanding and explanation about why Judaism is remarkable, particularly outside of its religious and Zionist aspects.
Participants on Birthright Israel trips during the recent conflict in Israel found their visit to be a unique and invigorating experience.
In the aftermath of October 7, when Israel faced a wave of terrorist attacks, the author raises three questions.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, listener feedback on the Israel at War topic is discussed.