Tag: Jewish Unity

In a time of increasing division and extremism, the Jewish community in Atlanta found unity and hope through their responses to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
Tisha B'Av, a day commemorating the destruction of the Temple, prompts reflections on Jewish unity and division.
The text discusses the significance of the Kotel compromise, a historic agreement reached after intense negotiations between Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative Jewish representatives.
The author shares her struggle with caffeine withdrawal while fasting on Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur, recounting past experiences of debilitating headaches due to giving up coffee.
In 2012, a Reform Jewish chaplain deployed in Kuwait found new meaning in Tisha B'Av, a holiday he had not previously emphasized, when his R&R leave was unexpectedly canceled.
The article reflects on the current state of Israel, noting both challenges and achievements.
The article reflects on the concept of unity, or "achdut," within the Jewish community, drawing parallels from historical events and personal experiences.
In a literary review, Jacob Paul's novel "Sarah/Sara" follows the story of Sarah Frankel, an Orthodox woman who embarks on a kayaking journey in Alaska after a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.