Tag: Memoir

In his latest novel, "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store," James McBride explores the complex history of Black-Jewish relations in America.
In "Framing a Life," author Roberta Kuriloff explores the metaphor of building a house as a representation of her personal journey and search for wholeness.
In this memoir titled "In the Hole," five incarcerated men share their firsthand experiences of being in solitary confinement.
In this discussion, journalist Dina Kraft shares the story of Hannah Pick-Goslar, a close friend of Anne Frank mentioned multiple times in her diary.
Agnes Biro Rothblatt, a 90-year-old Jewish woman from San Francisco, shares her life story in this interview for the Wisdom Project at Moment.
"If All the Seas Were Ink" is a memoir about a recently divorced American-Israeli living in Jerusalem who takes on the practice of Daf Yomi, reading a page from the Talmud every day for seven years.
In her memoir, "Who Do You Think You Are," Yuli Novak, the former director of Breaking the Silence, an IDF veterans organization, shares her reflections on her time leading the controversial human rights group from 2012 to 2017.
In her memoir "Who Do You Think You Are," Yuli Novak, the former director of Breaking the Silence, an organization of IDF veterans, discusses her leadership from 2012 to 2017 in one of Israel's most controversial human rights groups.
Stephen Kaplan, a Toronto executive, survived a near-fatal motorcycle accident in Alaska with the help of his wife, Danielle.
Prince Harry's new memoir, "Spare," has garnered attention for its intimate personal details, but it is noteworthy what he doesn't mention much: religion.
In an interview with Mosaic, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-tenured leader, discusses the process of political decision-making in his career.
This article highlights an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest-serving prime minister of Israel, discussing his moments of decision-making.
The article explores Paul Newman's memoir, "The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man," highlighting how Newman, known for playing average yet gorgeous characters, was perceived as a beautiful but ultimately ordinary man beneath the surface.
Benjamin Netanyahu's memoir, "Bibi: My Story," reveals that President Joe Biden faced pressure from congressional Democrats to end heavy airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket attacks on Israel.
Anna Salton Eisen grew up in a household where the Holocaust was a secret that her parents were unwilling to discuss.
The article discusses the role of spiritualism within Jewish communities in different contexts.
Israeli Holocaust survivor Gidon Lev has gained nearly 400,000 followers on TikTok, using the platform to educate about the Holocaust and combat misinformation and anti-Semitism.
"This Shall Not Be in Vain" is a memoir by Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn, a pacifist who became a Navy chaplain during World War II.
The podcast discussed the lack of emphasis on Colin Powell's memoir in school curricula compared to memoirs focusing on racial bitterness.
In this episode, Unorthodox explores the themes of apologies, forgiveness, and repentance.
Edmund de Waal's book "Letters to Camondo" is a blend of family history and memoir, exploring the story of another Jewish family of art collectors who suffered losses at the hands of the Nazis.
"Mazel Tov: The Story of My Extraordinary Friendship with an Orthodox Jewish Family" by J. S. Margot is a memoir that offers a glimpse into the closed community of an Orthodox Jewish family in Antwerp.
This text is a personal reflection on the author's experience interviewing Prince for a Rolling Stone cover story in 1985.
Former CIA Director John O. Brennan's memoir, "Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, at Home and Abroad," reveals his anger and temperament issues, as he uses abusive language towards various individuals, including Donald Trump.
In her memoir "At Home in America," Esther Safran Foer embarks on a journey to uncover her family's history, including her Holocaust-survivor father and her mother's lost sister.