Tag: Miracles

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon has composed a special prayer for Israel to be recited at Pesach Sedarim, expressing gratitude for living in a time of redemption and witnessing the establishment of the country.
The text discusses the challenges of unanswered prayers, particularly in the context of current events affecting Israel and the Jewish people.
In this episode of Home Front, the focus is on three main topics.
In this article, the author explores the significance of the Hanukkah candles and their relation to other Jewish rituals, such as Friday night kiddush and the four cups drunk at the Pesah seder.
The article discusses the story of Uriel Baruch, an Israeli hostage in the Gaza Strip, as his family celebrates Hanukkah.
This text is from the Etgar Quiz no 249, which includes questions about Jewish figures and trivia.
The text tells the story of Moses reflecting on his journey as the leader of the Jewish people.
The author discusses the skepticism around the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days during Hanukkah and the denial of miracles in general in the context of the Enlightenment.
This poem by Bruce Black reflects on the act of lighting candles in the context of Hanukkah.
In a podcast episode celebrating Hanukkah, the Menschwarmers discuss 9 Jewish sports streaks that defied expectations, including Team Israel's surprising success and Sue Bird's Olympic victories.
Graham Phillips believed he had located Moses' grave containing the legendary staff in Petra, Jordan but faced obstacles in excavating it.
The author reflects on the religious experience he feels while watching sports, particularly soccer, drawing parallels between sports events and miracles in the context of religious stories.