Tag: Pandemic

Dave Malloy's bold, innovative musical "Three Houses" presented at Signature Theatre explores lockdown-era isolation through a unique interpretation of The Three Little Pigs tale, featuring characters Susan, Sadie, and Beckett reminiscing on their pandemic experiences in Latvia, New Mexico, and Brooklyn.
In a delightful and humorous interview, Bess Kalb discusses topics ranging from her children's book "Buffalo Fluffalo" to hosting the Jewish Book Council Awards.
This podcast episode reflects on the podcast's transition to a daily format four years ago, while discussing the enduring effects of the pandemic and the possibility of a political evaluation.
Dr. Yehuda Sabiner, a Gerrer Chasid and pediatrician, shares his unique journey combining Halacha, Chasidus, and medicine.
The author discusses their experience of saying Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for mourners, after the death of their father and mother.
In this essay, the author reflects on the challenges and importance of maintaining a Jewish community in a small town during the pandemic.
The High Holidays can present unique challenges for Jewish women struggling with breast or ovarian cancer.
Bruce Vilanch, the 74-year-old comedian and writer, has co-authored a musical comedy called "Here You Come Again" featuring the songs of Dolly Parton.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, one family has found solace and connection through a weekly Shabbat Zoom call that has continued even after the public health emergency ended.
In these poems, the author reflects on the passing of time during a plague and the rituals they engage in.
Artist and illustrator Maira Kalman's exhibition at the Mary Ryan Gallery features gouache paintings, including a detailed image of E.F. Benson's garden room destroyed during WWII.
The podcast discusses the sensational claim that a raccoon dog might be a new source of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A reader writes to The Forward's advice column, "Bintel," seeking guidance on how to handle a situation where their friends declined to take a rapid COVID-19 test before visiting the reader's daughter's home.
In a podcast conversation, Tevi Troy discusses the CDC's reform plan and questions whether President Joe Biden prematurely declared the end of the pandemic.
Republican candidates and campaign committees are struggling with fundraising, potentially impacting their success in the upcoming elections.
In this article, Haaretz discusses the ongoing political crisis in Israel.
The author recounts their experience of testing positive for COVID-19, two years into the pandemic.
James B. Meigs discusses the emergence of a stealth variant in Asia and the possibility of renewed Covid restrictions in America.
The article discusses how the current societal divisions in America, particularly around issues like the pandemic response, can be traced back to the distinct cultural and political philosophies of the original British colonial populations that settled in different regions of the United States.
The pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of children, and it is important for parents to create a positive and resilient environment at home.
The article discusses the ongoing debate and controversy surrounding mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The question of why a just God allows evil in the world, known as theodicy, has been debated throughout history.
The author argues against the widespread masking of schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is spreading rapidly, surpassing the Delta variant as the leading source of new infections in the United States.
The text discusses the shift in focus in the public health response to the Omicron variant of the pandemic, suggesting it is more about competing visions of societal organization rather than the virus itself.