Tag: Zionism

The article explores the origins and themes of the novel Bambi: A Life in the Woods by Felix Salten and its subsequent adaptation into the Disney film.
Tu B'Av, the ancient Jewish holiday of love, was revived in the 20th century after being forgotten for over a thousand years.
The article explores the different experiences that two hypothetical twin daughters, Adi and Sophie, have in college and how it shapes their thinking and identity.
Kishorit is a unique community that can be seen as a "neurodiverse kibbutz," where both neurodiverse and neurotypical members live and work together.
The Department of Education is investigating the University of Southern California following a Title VI complaint filed on behalf of Rose Ritch, a Jewish student who resigned from her position as student body vice president in 2020 due to harassment for her Zionist beliefs.
Martin Buber was a prominent Jewish thinker in the 20th century.
During his visit to Israel, President Joe Biden announced that Saudi Arabia would soon allow direct flights from Israel, a small step towards normalizing relations between the two countries.
In "Are We all Kahanists Now?", Shaul Magid discusses Meir Kahane, a controversial figure in American Jewry and Israel.
"Wandering Jews" is an edited volume that explores Jewish travel writing from biblical times to the present day.
"Aerograms Across the Ocean" is a personal memoir that tells the story of the evolving friendship and love between Rachel Korati and David Biale through their correspondence in the form of aerograms.
In "Wishful Republic," Omri Boehm presents Haifa as a model for a binational federation in Israel that incorporates both Jews and Palestinians.
In a walk through a park with A.B. Yehoshua, the author discusses his critique of American Jewry and his vision of Zionism.
The article discusses two recent books about Israel that represent contrasting perspectives.
The article explores the connections between George Eliot's novel Daniel Deronda and Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's essay Fate and Destiny.
Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, the senior rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City, emphasizes the importance of Zionism as a core value of Judaism.
The author shares a personal story about visiting an elderly cousin who was a rabbi, a Holocaust survivor, and a Satmar Hasid.
Tablet Magazine provides a range of articles and features covering a variety of topics in Jewish culture, history, and current events.
"Mandate" by Nissan Shor is an alternate history novel where the state of Israel was not established in 1948 and Zionism was defeated.
Alex Singer, a lone soldier, was an American Jew who enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and served as a paratrooper from 1985 to 1987.
Israel's Memorial Day, Yom HaZikaron, is a relatively new holiday that unites the Israeli population through a shared commemoration of fallen soldiers and terror victims.
The text discusses two new books that shed light on the events surrounding the creation of Israel after World War II.
In this episode of the Jewish Lives Podcast, author Hillel Halkin discusses the life and legacy of Vladimir Jabotinsky, a figure in twentieth-century Jewish life who was both admired and loathed.
This article discusses the personal legacy of Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political Zionism.
The text argues that Judaism and Zionism are inseparable, rooted in the biblical narrative of God's promise of a land to Abraham and his descendants.
The article discusses the growing influence of moral clarity and social justice activism within American journalism and how it has impacted coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.