Tag: Zionist

A professor at the University of California, Davis, identified as Jemma Decristo, has made a social media post suggesting that Zionist journalists and their children should be targeted in their homes.
President Joe Biden has an opportunity to transform the recent tragedy in Israel, caused by a brutal terrorist attack by Hamas, into a diplomatic opportunity.
In this episode, Miriam Herschlag and Noah Efron discuss the topic of civil disobedience, exploring where the line between legitimate protest and illegitimate actions such as strikes, blocking roads, and intimidating demonstrations should be drawn.
Albert Einstein visited Mandatory Palestine 100 years ago as part of a larger trip to the Far East and Middle East.
Zishe Breitbart, a Jewish strongman in the early 20th century, became a sensation and cult hero in Europe and the United States.
In a podcast episode featuring Mayim Bialik, the conversation touches on her experiences as a Zionist in Hollywood, her transition from sitcom star to film director, and her integration of Jewish grief rituals into her movie.
In this article, the author discusses the issue of progressive antisemitism and the need to confront it within the progressive movement.
US President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Israel will proceed as planned, despite recent political developments in the country.
Intersectionality, originally a theory for understanding how different forms of oppression can intersect, has been distorted on college campuses into an ideology that divides people into two groups: the privileged and the oppressed.
Amnesty International recently released a report referring to Israel as an apartheid state, causing controversy and debate.
Irving Bunim was a highly influential figure in advancing the cause of Orthodox Jewry in America.
Noah Shufutinsky, known as Westside Gravy in the hip-hop world, combines his passion for music with a strong Zionist identity, standing out as one of the most vocal Zionist hip-hop artists today.
In this episode of GAON #21, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the impact of the 1772 Cheramim in Vilna and Brody on Eastern European Jewry, assessing whether they immediately divided the community or if the split took longer to manifest.
The author discusses a trend among Orthodox Jews towards supporting and excusing President Donald Trump, even in the face of his immoral behavior and shortcomings.
Alter Druyanov, a Russian Jew and Zionist, compiled a three-volume book of Jewish jokes in Hebrew, showcasing the humor of Jewish folklore with some jokes revolving around stereotypes like hypochondria.
In "Seventy Years in the Desert" by Yael Zerubavel and Pnina Motzafi-Haller, attention is drawn to the complex history and dynamics of Jewish settlement and interaction in the Negev desert in Israel.
In "A Deadly Legacy: German Jews and the Great War," Tim Grady explores the complex role of German Jews during World War I. Highlighting how more than 12,000 German Jews died in the war, Grady discusses the Judenzhlung (Jew count) conducted by the German army in 1916, the patriotism of German Jews at the war's outset, and their involvement in supporting aspects of German militarism and wartime atrocities.
Lionel Messi and the Argentinian national soccer team decided to cancel a friendly match in Israel following threats from Palestinian terrorists led by Jibril Rajoub.
British Jews are uniting in protest against the Labour Party's normalization of anti-Semitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.
On a podcast discussing the Balfour Declaration's centennial, Noah Efron, Gilad Halpern, and Charlotte Hall deliberate its ongoing controversy, Meretz party leaders claiming their party is no longer Zionist, and a Supreme Court ruling allowing stores to open on the Sabbath in Tel Aviv.
The author reflects on his involvement in the anti-Trump movement, highlighting the conflict within the movement regarding support for controversial figures like Linda Sarsour, a pro-Palestinian activist with anti-Zionist views, and Rasmea Odeh, a convicted terrorist involved in deadly bombings.
Avraham ben Yizhak, also known as Abraham Sonne, was a renowned Jewish poet who introduced European modernism into Hebrew verse with his 12 influential poems.
Professor Brian Horowitz discusses the life of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a controversial Zionist leader who founded Israel's Revisionist right.
The text discusses the historical challenges faced by the Jewish community, particularly in Israel, in dealing with various political powers such as the Ottoman Empire, British colonial rule, French policies, and Soviet influence through the years.
Photographing the Jewish Nation: Pictures from S. An-sky's Ethnographic Expeditions delves into Solomon Iudovin's photographs documenting traditional Jewish life at the request of S. An-sky, a Jewish journalist and revolutionary.