Tag: Zionist

The text discusses how the pro-Palestine movement has excelled in organizing on college campuses compared to Jewish groups, highlighting the need for liberal Zionists to learn from their tactics.
The text discusses Lon Blum, a significant figure in French history who served as Prime Minister three times, was a socialist activist, and bravely opposed the pro-Nazi Vichy regime.
During a recent congressional hearing on campus antisemitism, Northwestern University President Michael Schill defended his decision to make an agreement with pro-Palestinian protesters to end encampments on campus, which sparked controversy leading to the resignation of Jewish committee members and calls for Schill's resignation.
A viral Google Doc titled "Is your fav author a zionist?" has sparked concerns about antisemitism in the literary world, categorizing authors as Pro-Israel/Zionist, Pro-Palestinian/Anti-Zionist, or "its complicated."
In this episode of Unorthodox, Jewish actress Noa Tishby and sports commentator Emmanuel Acho discuss their collaboration on a book called Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew, exploring their shared insights.
The article discusses a recent protest by pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall and highlights the concerns and fears of Jewish, Zionist students like the author.
"Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict" by Oren Kessler, an American-Israeli author, won the prestigious Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature for its exploration of the events between 1936 to 1939 in historic Palestine.
The text discusses the author's frustration with anti-Israel sentiment among some progressive Jewish individuals who criticize Israel, highlighting figures like Ilan Papp, Noam Chomsky, Avi Shlaim, and Naomi Klein.
The article discusses the radicalization at American universities, focusing on Columbia University and the influence of Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Winston Marshall, co-founder of Mumford & Sons, transitioned from music to organizing a thought symposium, Dissident Dialogues, aiming to foster a community of deep thinkers.
In an interview with David Guttenberg, a retired construction worker and state legislator from Montana, he discusses how recent events, such as the October 7 terror attack and rising antisemitism, have led him to identify more strongly with Zionism and worry about the safety of Israel.
In this piece titled "Letter From Dearborn | Scenes From the Heart of Arab America," the author describes visiting Dearborn, Michigan, a predominantly Arab-American city, with a Palestinian-American friend named Zach.
At a spring dinner for graduating students hosted by UC Berkeley's law school dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife, a pro-Palestinian protester disrupted the event with a speech about the Palestinians' plight.
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich, reflecting a minority perspective within the charedi community influenced by anti-Zionist elements, argues against the value of Jewish sovereignty and opposes charedi military service in Israel.
The debate arises from a viral video showing children dressed as both yeshiva students and soldiers, sparking controversy over the message it conveys.
A humorous and poignant account is given of a friendship between the writer and a former army paratrooper who is struggling with alcoholism and health issues.
In a podcast titled "From The Yarra River to the Mediterranean Sea," journalist Ittay Flescher and family lawyer Hannah Baker offer nuanced conversations aimed at exploring different perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Hamas has offered to return Israeli captives in exchange for a near-total dismantling of the IDF's military presence in Gaza, posing a dilemma for Israel between self-defense and the Jewish imperative of redeeming captives.
A New York University (NYU) professor, Amin Husain, has been suspended after making comments defending Hamas and questioning documented atrocities.
Deborah E. Lipstadt's biography of Golda Meir portrays a life marked by accomplishments and guilt for not doing more to save Holocaust victims.
The season premiere of Law & Order incorporates the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into its storyline.
The Golden Globes, known for being politically outspoken, is expected to address Israel and Gaza during this year's awards ceremony.
Irving Matlow, a 96-year-old member of Toronto's Jewish community, is making Aliyah to Israel, joining 45,000 new immigrants, including over 720 since Hamas attacks in 2023.
The Tikvah Fund, a Jewish conservative think tank, is launching a Jewish day school in New York City called Emet Classical Academy.
This text discusses the blame placed on Israel in the context of the recent conflict with Hamas in Gaza.