
The finale of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" marks the end of an era of Jewish comedy with Larry David bowing out after a long and influential career.
Renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman shared his favorite Passover recipes with a Yiddish cooking show, highlighting his late mother's Polish Jewish culinary traditions.
As Passover approaches, the internet offers a variety of festive clothing options for the whole family, from cozy pajamas to stylish dresses and themed t-shirts.
In the final season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Larry David faces trial for giving water to an elderly Georgian voter, in defiance of a law prohibiting such acts near polling places.
Joshua Spinner reflects on a meeting in Rome where a young Roman Jew expressed contentment with complaining about Jewish life for 2,000 years without wanting to change anything, a stark contrast to American ideals of pursuing change.
The article reflects on the evolving nature of Passover celebrations within a Jewish family.
The writer expresses strong dislike for the show "Curb Your Enthusiasm," detailing a visceral aversion to its humor and worldview centered on kvetching and portraying flawed, selfish characters.
Kveller editors shared their Passover picks, including a ceramic Star of David bowl and ramekins for salt water.
Naama Shefi, founder of the Jewish Food Society, shares a family recipe for pomegranate and red wine-braised short ribs, a sweet-and-sour traditional dish handed down through generations.
Efforts to enhance Sephardic education and identity in the United States are gaining traction through initiatives like the Bivas Sephardic youth movement, which focuses on preserving Ladino heritage and language.
This recipe shared by Victoria Prever resembles the flavors of Toblerone with honey, chocolate, and almonds.
The author, a music journalist, reflects on how parenthood has shifted their music choices to upbeat pop rather than the melancholic tunes of their youth, influenced by the emotional and contemplative music heard at synagogue during the High Holidays.
Micah Siva's cookbook "Nosh: Plant-Forward Recipes Celebrating Modern Jewish Cuisine" offers plant-based recipes suitable for Passover, including Vegan Matzo Balls made with chickpea products.
"Kiss Me Kosher" is a heartfelt rom-com that delves into themes of love, identity, and cultural clashes.
The article discusses the complex relationship between Jewishness and Israeliness, focusing on the identity of chareidi Jews living in Israel.
Annie's father surprises her by revealing his consideration of retirement due to the failing business of their hotel.
The text discusses the concept of vulnerability as a virtue or a potential tool for manipulation within social media and personal branding.
Zach Zucker, performing as his alter ego Jack Tucker, has gained attention for his unique and physically demanding comedic act, with a distinctive lack of shoes that have become part of his stage persona.
This recipe for caper puttanesca is highlighted by the use of caper brine to enhance the dish's flavor, a typically discarded ingredient that adds a special touch.
This recipe outlines a simple method for making a microwave lime cream pie with a chocolate biscuit base.
This recipe details how to make a Schnitzel sandwich with red cabbage and tahini slaw, combining Middle Eastern flavors.
Attending a Jewish funeral and sitting shiva for a friend's mother led the author to reevaluate her relationship with religion, ultimately inspiring her decision to convert to Judaism.
Stand Up NY, a renowned comedy club on the Upper West Side for 38 years, has relocated to Times Square inside the Italian restaurant Bond 45 to adapt to changing times post-COVID.
The article discusses the experience of raising Jewish Third Culture Kids (TCKs), who grow up in a country different from both of their parents' origins.
A recipe for Spicy Salmon with Rice that serves 8 and requires minimal effort, with preparation needed 8 hours in advance.

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