
The article highlights 14 trendy spring knits suitable for varying budgets and styles, serving as both a fashion statement and practical clothing for fickle spring weather.
"Married At First Sight Australia" has captivated a viewer who initially dismissed it as mere TV crack but soon found themselves addicted to the show's drama-filled episodes.
The Shiur titled "Everyone should be a shadchan – how to set up a shidduch" discusses whether everyone should be involved in setting up shidduchim and the challenges involved.
A woman reflects on her childhood experiences in a Hasidic Chabad sect during Purim, where she challenged gender norms by dressing as a Yoeli, a character from a rival Satmar sect.
Martin Greenfield, an Auschwitz survivor who worked as a tailor in the concentration camp, passed away at the age of 95.
The second season of "Life & Beth" deepens its exploration of Jewish themes while balancing humor and darkness, addressing heavy topics such as sexual assault, autism, and antisemitism.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Bradley Burston discuss the topics of peace and Amalek, ending with a heartwarming anecdote from Israel.
The video showcases how to make delicious fish tacos using leftover Shabbat fish in a creative and sustainable way.
The text discusses a recipe for Hlelem soup, traditionally eaten to end Tisha b'Av but suitable for winter comfort.
The final episode of the season of Home Front was covered in episode 64, originally published on Mishpacha Magazine.
The New York Public Library's Jewish Division, Dorot, has digitized select materials from its archives as part of its 125th-anniversary celebration, showcasing 800 years of Jewish history.
The text is about a recipe for "Cake Mix Hamantaschen," a less traditional version of the classic Purim treat.
Jewish Life Stories featured three notable individuals: Juli Lynne Charlot, known for inventing the iconic poodle skirt and designing dresses for dignitaries; Bernard L. Schwartz, a philanthropist and top Democratic donor whose family history shaped his political affiliations; and Gerald M. Levin, a Jewish and intellectual figure in the media industry who led significant advancements but also faced personal tragedies, including the loss of a child.
"Esther Without Borders" is a project where artists worldwide reimagine the Purim story as if it happened in their own communities, using diverse materials and techniques.
The text discusses a nostalgic rekindling of mid-2000s beauty trends inspired by the film "Saltburn," particularly focusing on the makeup styles of that era.
Louis Keene discusses the problematic origins of a popular Purim melody, Mishenichnas Adar, which is sung to the tune of the folk song "Pick A Bale of Cotton," originally of African American origin and including offensive lyrics related to slavery.
This recipe from Mishpacha Magazine features a kid-friendly dish called Waffles and Franks, with a twist that adults enjoy too.
The article discusses different approaches to celebrating Purim and managing Purim-related expenses.
The video discusses being a Shabbat guest and includes topics like hostess gifts, sourdough, food, meal prep, and recipes.
The stage adaptation of the film "Hester Street" was initially met with skepticism by director Joan Micklin Silver in 2015 but eventually was embraced and brought to life as a Yiddish and English play with music, premiering at Theater J in Washington, D.C. in March 2024.
Spring welcomes a new wave of Jewish cultural events, from Deli Segal's humorous one-woman show "Pickle" at Soho Theatre, KlezNorth AllStars Concert featuring klezmer music talents, to David Labis' exploration of fatherhood and trauma in "Pieces of a Man" at JW3.
The article discusses the contention surrounding the best egg cream drink, typically associated with New York but contested by Philadelphia's Franklin Fountain.
The author reflects on embracing her gray hair as a natural sign of aging and wisdom rather than concealing it, drawing inspiration from Jewish teachings that view gray hair as a crown of glory earned through a righteous life.
A tutorial on how a married Jewish woman covers her hair using headwraps and headcoverings.
Nowruz, the Persian New Year celebrated by over 300 million people worldwide, including Iranian Americans, begins at the vernal equinox with rituals such as setting up a haft seen table with seven symbolic items.

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