
Shoshana Kahan, a Yiddish actress and writer, recounts her experience celebrating Passover in Kobe, Japan, in 1941 as a refugee during World War II.
This recipe for orange, ginger, and thyme chicken tray bake is described as family-friendly, quick to make, and easily scalable.
Aryeh Shmuel, a Jewish man who had interactions with O.J. Simpson, reflects on the Simpson case, emphasizing that it was more of a family tragedy than a racial issue.
Mara Bernstein, a vintage jewelry enthusiast, transitioned from publishing to launching Pennyweight Prizefighter, a vintage jewelry business specializing in unique pieces rich in history.
A couple embarks on starting to observe Shabbat with their young children, borrowing supplies and delving into the rituals despite some uncertainties.
"Monkey Man," Dev Patel's directorial debut and starring vehicle, presents a fast, furious, and gory revenge story akin to "John Wick," with Patel's character, Kid, seeking vengeance for his mother's murder in India's criminal underworld.
Comedian Eitan Levine is attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most ceremonial opening pitches thrown in one baseball season, aiming to throw 50 first pitches across various minor league stadiums and some major league teams.
The author reflects on the challenges of displaying Jewish identity in a climate of rising antisemitism in London.
The editor of Guernica resigned after publishing an essay by Israeli writer Joanna Chen, leading to backlash and retraction.
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" recently ended after a long run, leaving viewers eager for similar shows.
Amy Winehouse's friends and colleagues reflect on their encounters with her, praising her humility, tremendous singing talent, and generosity.
The article discusses the significant role of onions in Jewish cuisine and culture, highlighting their extensive use in various Jewish dishes throughout history.
In San Francisco's Hayes Valley, a modern-day salon called The Commons is reimagining intellectual and spiritual gatherings, attracting young professionals seeking a sense of community and deeper connections beyond traditional religious institutions.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" explores themes of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and assimilation, with a focus on a Jewish comedian crashing a white supremacist meeting in Queens.
Author Naama Ben-David has created the Unofficial Taylor Swift Haggadah, inspired by her daughter's admiration for the pop icon.
Alan Zweig, a filmmaker who took a different path from law to pursue documentaries after transformative trips to India, reflects on his career with friend Ralph Benmergui.
The author expresses dread and humor about the laborious task of cleaning for Pesach, highlighting the challenges of ensuring the home is chametz-free for Passover.
Pesach can feel like a kitchen-driven servitude with endless cooking.
This recipe provides a simple way to prepare slow-cooked herbed lamb with confit onions that is perfect for serving during a Seder.
Yossi Gluck, a skilled event planner based in the UK, is known for organizing high-end luxury events with meticulous attention to detail and a one-stop-shop approach.
Yossi Gluck, an event planner based in the UK, is known for his high-end luxury events catering to various budgets while maintaining meticulous attention to detail.
Former President Barack Obama, in a speech at a fundraiser, highlighted the diversity of America as a crucial element that unites individuals under a common set of rules, challenging the concept of a shared American identity prior to 1965.
The Brooklyn Fiddle Summit will bring together the klezmer virtuosity of violinist Zo Aqua and the African-American folk music of the Ebony Hillbillies for a unique performance in New York City, exploring the shared themes of these seemingly disparate genres.
The author reflects on the animosity between her great-grandmother (from a Litvak background) and her grandmother (from a Galician background) within their Jewish family, which stemmed from cultural and culinary differences symbolized by the "Gefilte Fish Line" - sweet versus savory gefilte fish preferences.
Joan Nathan's 12th cookbook, "My Life in Recipes: Food, Family and Memories," is more than just a collection of recipes.

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