
The text explores two contrasting paradigms of repentance seen through anecdotes in the Talmud.
After experiencing the sudden death of her close friend Ben, the author grapples with grief and anger, questioning her faith and traditions as Yom Kippur approaches.
The article reflects on the pivotal decisions made by Jewish baseball legends Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax to sit out important games for Yom Kippur, highlighting their impact on the Jewish and American cultural landscape.
The essay delves into the message of Isaiah 58 in relation to Yom Kippur and fasting, challenging the traditional understanding of fasting solely as refraining from food and drink.
As Yom Kippur approaches, traditions for getting right with God include tossing bread into water to symbolize sin washing away, abstaining from physical pleasures, swinging a chicken in a ritual of atonement, wearing white to signify purity, making amends with others, and kneeling before the Ark during prayers.
In episode 60 of Unorthodox, the focus is on apologies as Yom Kippur approaches.
The author reflects on the impending separation as her eldest son prepares to leave for college, recalling her own struggles with separation anxiety during her college years.
In his piece "The Ballad of Cain and Adam," Ari Lamm reflects on the significance of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah.
Elisheva Urbas shares her journey of struggling to find a Rosh Hashanah honey cake recipe that is both enjoyed and finishes quickly in the household.
As Rosh Hashanah approaches, here are six surprising facts about shofars: they can be quite expensive, some are intricately designed, they can be made out of chocolate, not all are made from ram horns, you can play more than one at a time, they are popular among Christian evangelicals, and they are considered a musical instrument, even appreciated by celebrities like Madonna who incorporated a shofar in her song.
Leonard Cohen's latest album "You Want It Darker" delves into his Jewish roots, showcasing his connection to his youth in Montreal and the cantorial tradition.
In this reflection by Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, he delves into the concept of prayer, expressing doubts about its nature and efficacy.
Allison, Don, and Noah delve into Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech at the UN where he argues about the world's love for Israel, the controversy over providing free shuttle services for Hassids to visit a rabbi's grave, and reflect on significant events in Israel over the past year as Rosh Hashanah approaches.
In episode 59 of "The Bottle Episode," the hosts celebrate Rosh Hashanah by sharing personal stories of new beginnings.
Carrots have long been a symbolic food for Rosh Hashanah, representing plenty and prosperity.
The Israeli Honey Board's annual honey festival, timed for the High Holidays, showcases the country's honey industry with activities such as tours, tastings, and a photography competition.
During the High Holidays between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the theme of God often emerges in psychotherapy sessions as individuals grapple with questions of belief, observance, and the meaning of life.
"Honey Cake: An Icon of Celebration and Tradition" discusses the significance of honey cake, or lekach, in Jewish culture, particularly during the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.
For Sukkot this year, when cooler weather calls for heartier meals, consider serving nourishing and meat-free dishes like Lily’s Red Lentil Soup filled with garlic, sweet potato, and red lentils, or Nettie's Underground Stew with roasted root vegetables and pinto beans.
Rabbi Yehuda Amital's book "When God Is Near: On the High Holidays," adapted and edited by Rabbi Yoel Amital and translated by Karen Fish, captures the essence of Rav Amital's teachings at Yeshivat Har Etzion.
During the month of Elul, the Jewish tradition emphasizes reflection, repentance, and drawing closer to God in preparation for the High Holidays.
The author, who is allergic to dairy and wheat, reflects on the challenges of participating in Jewish communal events and holidays due to food restrictions.
Morley Safer, the renowned broadcast journalist, shared his Jewish identity and practices in an interview featured in Stars of David.
Harriet Tubman, known as "Moses" for her courageous efforts in leading slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad, had a significant impact on African American history.
The "Four Sons for a New Generation" edition discusses modern interpretations of the four sons from the Midrash, aligning them with contemporary archetypes.

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