
Martin Luther King Jr., in his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during the historic March on Washington in 1963, drew inspiration from the Bible, specifically quoting from Isaiah 40 to link the pursuit of racial equality with divine promise and harmony.
The author humorously discusses ways to have the least Christmas-y Christmas ever, proposing alternative activities to counter the holiday spirit, especially relevant for those feeling pressured by the season's festivities.
Chanukah festivities traditionally include fried foods like latkes and sufganiyot to commemorate the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days.
For the unique convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, bloggers and foodies suggest a festive meal blending traditional dishes from both holidays.
In Israel, sufganiyot, or jelly doughnuts, are a traditional Hanukkah treat made by bakers during the eight-day holiday.
The article highlights some of the best Jewish children's books from 2013, focusing on engaging reads rather than purely educational ones.
The author discusses their journey of discovering Jewish culinary traditions through personal experiences and relationships.
In preparation for the rare event of Thanksgivukkah, which marks the confluence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, various hybrid food items have emerged.
The article discusses the often overlooked contributions of non-Jewish individuals within the Jewish community, focusing on the stories of Mr. Roetta, a Hispanic custodian in a synagogue, and Pat, a janitor at a yeshiva.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest.
The author recounts visiting the yahrzeit plaque of their paternal grandmother, Eva Katz, at Congregation Beth Jacob of Beverly Hills, reflecting on their family history and the memories associated with Eva.
Wearing leather items like belts and yarmulkes is permitted on Yom Kippur and Tishah B'Av; only leather shoes are prohibited.
The author reflects on their deep emotional connection to Yom Kippur, particularly through the Kol Nidre prayer, which symbolizes a sense of belonging in the Jewish community.
The discussion explores the Story of Jonah as a lesson on solitary confinement and redemption in modern times.
Amichai Lau-Lavie, the spiritual leader of Lab/Shul, explores the tradition of acquiring new items for Rosh Hashanah in Prepent 5774.
The text explores the connection between bees, sexual energy, and Jewish sexual laws, particularly around abstinence and intention in sexual engagement.
The article discusses the significance of challah and its variations for different Jewish communities.
'Ottolenghi: The Cookbook' by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi offers innovative twists on traditional Rosh Hashanah recipes, focusing on dishes popularized in the Ottolenghi restaurants in London.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein offers a clarification following a publication referencing Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner's approach to suffering, emphasizing a sense of respect and gratitude towards him.
In 2012, a Reform Jewish chaplain deployed in Kuwait found new meaning in Tisha B'Av, a holiday he had not previously emphasized, when his R&R leave was unexpectedly canceled.
Rabbi Joshua Berman delves into the lack of emotional connection many Jews feel towards Tishah B'Av, questioning why the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash does not evoke greater sorrow in contemporary times when Jewish life seems prosperous.
Observant Jews celebrating Lag b'Omer traditionally mark the day with haircuts, symbolizing hope and an end to a period of mourning after Passover.
After the death of their grandfather, the author's family faced an emotional Passover with limited space, which led to unexpected occurrences.
As Passover approaches, Hollywood is showing renewed interest in Moses with two potential film projects - Warner Bros.
"The Jewish Annotated New Testament" discusses the Jewish roots of the New Testament and the historical context of its texts, highlighting the commonalities between Judaism and Christianity in the late Second Temple period.

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