
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm delivered a sermon during Chanukah discussing the order of lighting Chanukah candles and reciting Havdalah, reflecting a clash of principles: pirsumei nissa, emphasizing the dramatic and miraculous, and tadir kodem, prioritizing the constant and routine.
R.L. Stine, known for his iconic Goosebumps series and considered the Stephen King of children's literature, shared insights on his career and Jewish upbringing in a recent interview.
Simchat Torah, a holiday celebrating the completion of the annual Torah reading cycle, has grown in popularity over the centuries despite not being mentioned in the Bible or Talmud.
On an intermediate day of Sukkot, thousands of Orthodox Jews visit Hershey Park for a festive event combining amusement park rides, Jewish entertainment, and fundraising for various Jewish organizations.
The text describes the author's experiences and reflections on Yom Kippur in various settings, from a synagogue in Jerusalem to a small gathering in a suburban neighborhood.
The author reflects on a personal dilemma when her husband wanted to break the Yom Kippur fast early to accommodate his migraine, while she preferred to wait until the traditional time.
Kapparot, a folk custom originating from the early medieval period, involves waving a chicken over one's head, symbolically transferring sins before its slaughter.
The author reflects on how Yom Kippur, despite being a somber and solitary holiday, holds a unique significance as a time for personal reflection and atonement.
Liza Schoenfein discusses her recent exploration with honey cake recipes leading up to the High Holy Days.
This recipe offers a gluten-free twist on the traditional Rosh Hashanah honey cake by incorporating Italian plums for a seasonal flavor.
The author recounts their personal struggle with reciting the prayer Unetaneh Tokef after the tragic death of their mother, feeling conflicted by its perception of God as punitive.
Beekeeper Liane Newton, who runs, ensures the well-being of bees for Rosh Hashanah honey by providing resources for urban beekeepers.
Celebrate the Jewish New Year with a festive Manischewitz Fizz cocktail, featured by VinePair in a series of Rosh Hashanah-themed drinks using the beloved red wine.
The author reflects on their conversion to Judaism and the significance of the High Holy Days since their mikvah immersion five years ago.
Rose Levy Beranbaum shares a recipe for a moist and flavorful honey cake perfect for Rosh Hashanah.
Shahar Shamir, inspired by his childhood love for halva, created Brooklyn Sesame, a deconstructed halva spread with various flavors.
The mitzvah of the Arba Minim (the Four Species) during Sukkot involves holding the lulav, hadasim, and aravot together in one hand and the etrog separately.
During Shavuot, the Book of Ruth is traditionally read in synagogues and offers valuable lessons in compassion.
Shavuot, a holiday celebrating the Jewish connection to the Torah, often focuses on dairy foods like cheese blintzes and cheesecakes.
The author reflects on the two Passover tales told in their home: the traditional Exodus from Egypt and their family's personal story of escape from Velizh, a town in Stalin's Soviet Union.
The article discusses creating Passover cocktails inspired by the Ten Plagues, keeping in mind the restrictions on consuming chametz during the holiday.
Don, Noah, and Miriam Herschlag from the Times of Israel discuss the issue of nearly a million Israelis going hungry, the changing nature of Israeli leadership, and whether stores in Jewish neighborhoods should sell leavened bread during Passover.
This article highlights the benefits of cooking Passover recipes with kids, emphasizing the importance of engaging children in meal preparation to deepen their connection to food.
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.
The morning Megillah reading on Purim is actually more important than the nighttime reading, according to Halacha.

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