
Honey cake, a traditional staple on Rosh Hashanah tables, is undergoing a modern revival.
The article discusses the significance of the band Steely Dan in relation to Rosh Hashanah and the biblical text of 1 Samuel.
In episode 92 of the Stephen Show on Unorthodox, the host welcomes actor Stephen Tobolowsky, known for his role in Silicon Valley, who discusses his experiences with faith, including attending synagogue after his mother's passing and working in Hollywood.
The discussion examines the parallel between illegal immigration issues faced in the United States today and the story of Ruth from the Book of Ruth, traditionally read during Shavuot.
In a contemplative piece, Elli Fischer discusses the unique practice of celebrating the death of revered rabbinic figures, focusing on the example of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai (Rashbi) and contrasting it with the lesser-known commemoration of Rabbi Hanina ben Teradyon.
The Homer Calendar, a Simpsons-themed Omer countdown created by Brian Rosman, features Jewish-related jokes from The Simpsons' episodes.
The Midrash explores the significance of the four days of taking and watching over the paschal lamb before its sacrifice, linking it to the need for Israelites to engage in mitzvot.
The article discusses American Jews' tendency to adapt or create new traditions around Jewish holidays like Passover to fit modern lifestyles, highlighting examples such as kosher-style eating, shortened shiva periods, and moving religious services to Sundays.
After going through a split with her husband, the author hosted a Passover Seder as a test of her ability to navigate being single and maintaining a homey life on her own.
When attending a Pesach hotel getaway and trying to maintain a diet, focus on weight maintenance rather than weight loss due to the abundant and tempting food available throughout the holiday.
Eliav Grossman discusses the controversial practice of drinking on Purim, specifically focusing on Rava's statement that one must become intoxicated to the point of not distinguishing between cursed Haman and blessed Mordechai.
The Purim Report details a day in the life of the author on Purim eve and Purim day in 2015, with reflections on the various traditions and activities surrounding the holiday.
Before hamantaschen became a traditional Purim treat, American Jews enjoyed Purim fritters, also known as Queen Esther's toast, as seen in recipes from the late 1800s.
"Fun With Hamantaschen" by Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic discusses the history and variations of hamantaschen, the traditional triangular cookies eaten during Purim.
The author reflects on their culinary experiences in San Francisco, highlighting the versatility of persimmons in various dishes across different restaurants.
In a recent case involving Susan Abeles and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), a federal court ruled that the MWAA did not fail to reasonably accommodate Abeles' observance of Pesach, despite her absence being classified as Absence Without Leave and leading to her suspension.
Tu Bshvat, the Jewish New Year for Trees, celebrates various significant trees in Jewish culture and history.
The article discusses the creation and impact of the animated film "Lights," a midrash on the Hanukkah story focusing on anti-Semitism and assimilation.
In episode 71 of "Unorthodox," the podcast celebrates Christmas with a Jewish twist, featuring guests who discuss various aspects of the holiday season.
The text discusses the author's journey of falling in love with Hanukkah sweaters as a response to the overwhelming presence of Christmas during the holiday season in the U.S.
Jews from Macedonia have a traditional dish called leek kofta, with variations made from lamb, beef, or potatoes and cheese.
A selection of the best Jewish children's books of 2016 offers engaging and culturally rich storytelling suitable for various age groups.
The author discusses the concept of mindful eating, emphasizing that individuals are the experts on nourishing their bodies.
The poem "Conjoined Twins" by Yehoshua November reflects on the author's father's experience as a resident in a hospital when his young mother gave birth to conjoined twins with one heart.
This text discusses various Chanukah specialties and modern spins on traditional dishes, highlighting recipes from different Jewish cookbooks.

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