
Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, marks a time of mourning for Jewish tragedies such as the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
The narrator recounts a chaotic week during Christmas, Papa Irwin's 98th birthday, and the first night of Chanukah in 2005 in L.A. Family tensions are high, with the narrator feeling out of place and disconnected.
Eileen Goltz presents simple and delicious Sukkot recipes to enjoy during the holiday festivities.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is traditionally associated with festive meals rich in symbolism.
The writer, in a humorous and detailed account, attempts to recreate the traditional Hanukkah treat sufganiyot.
At the Jewish Museum's Centennial Purim Ball, Mayor Michael Bloomberg highlighted the museum's significance and fundraising success.
The article discusses the significance of the Sukkah in Jewish tradition, drawing on the writings of Gershon Henoch of Radzin.
The Orthodox Union's 2023 Purim magazine is available for submission of articles, advertisement, and subscription, maintaining all rights reserved.
Sukkot holds a unique place among Jewish holidays, embodying a double identity that reflects both repentance and growth.
The article by Eileen Goltz discusses the evolution of Purim shalach manot treats, focusing on chocolate as a star ingredient this year.
The author shares a humorous glimpse into preparing for Purim, focusing on acquiring loud groggers for the Megillah reading and baking hamantashen with her children.
Rabbi Joshua Berman examines the lack of emotional connection many feel towards Tisha B'Av and the concept of mourning the destruction of the Temple.
During the thirtieth anniversary of the Gulf War, Toby Klein Greenwald reflects on the experiences of her family during the war, including the fears, uncertainties, and miracles that occurred during those tumultuous days in Israel.

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