Tag: Jewish Community

The article discusses the challenges facing the Jewish people, such as the impact of the Enlightenment, the struggles of assimilation, the rise of nationalism, and the threats posed by industrialization and technological advancements.
The article discusses the revival of the Wampanoag language by drawing a parallel to the revival of Hebrew.
In this publisher's note, the author reflects on the mission and goals of Sapir, a publication focused on Jewish communal leaders and the future of the Jewish community.
The author argues for the need to achieve universal basic Jewish literacy among North American Jews within 20 years, in order to address the current Jewish ignorance within the community.
The article discusses the need for Muslim-Jewish reconciliation and the challenges in achieving this.
Unorthodox, the popular Jewish podcast, is celebrating its 300th episode.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss Christmas as observed by Jews worldwide.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the founder of Nishma Research, Mark Trencher, discusses the financial aspects of Orthodox Jewish life.
Israeli journalist Barak Ravid joins Yonit and Jonathan in a discussion about his interview with former President Donald Trump, sharing never-before-heard excerpts on Trump's views about the Jewish community, Sheldon Adelson, and The New York Times.
Jewish groups have criticized Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks for aligning with members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to support Adrienne Adams for New York City Council speaker.
Avrum Rosensweig is described as embodying the role of a Rabbi through his actions and intentions rather than formal education.
The podcast episode discusses the impact of Hungary's illiberal democratic regime on its Jewish community, which is the largest in central and eastern Europe.
The episode discusses Rabbi Yitzchak Abuav de Fonseca, one of the prominent Rabbis of Amsterdam in the 1630s, who was born in Portugal to a notable Rabbinical family.
In this episode of Unorthodox, host Joshua Malina discusses the ongoing issue of Mel Gibson's continued success in Hollywood despite his history of antisemitism.
The article discusses the different ways in which Hanukkah is celebrated and understood in Israel and North America.
This episode focuses on Rabbi Shaul Mortera, one of the first Rabbis of Amsterdam, exploring the process of selecting a Rabbi for the community and the importance of his family background.
Greg Joseph, the only Jewish kicker in the NFL, recently kicked a game-winning field goal for the Minnesota Vikings, keeping their playoff hopes alive.
Jamaal Bowman, a progressive congressman from New York who is aligned with The Squad and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), is facing criticism from his DSA allies for participating in a congressional trip to Israel sponsored by the pro-peace lobbying group J Street.
The author reflects on his upbringing in a South African Jewish community and his subsequent move to America.
In this article, we meet two young Jewish individuals who are working to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
A gabbai's role in a synagogue is multifaceted and requires a range of skills.
This text discusses the role of the shtadlan in Jewish history and pays tribute to modern-day shtadlanim of the 20th century who played important roles in advocating for the Jewish community.
Dr. Marvin Schick, a prominent advocate for Jewish causes, passed away in April 2020.
The author reflects on their decision to pursue a career in law rather than in rabbinics due to their perceived limitations in Talmudic study and the need for job stability.
The author reflects on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of normalcy and loved ones.