Tag: Jewish Theology

Rabbi Mattisyahu Rosenblum's book "Rays of Wisdom: Torah insights that light up our understanding of the world" delves into the legacy of Rabbi Moshe Shapira, highlighting his profound Torah teachings and intellectual impact beyond the yeshivah world.
The YouTube video delves into a Torah verse featuring discrepancies in ratios, leading to an exploration of nuclear physics in episode 33 of Parshah Rabbit Hole titled "Checking The Torah's MATH."
Aryeh Shmuel, a Jewish man who had interactions with O.J. Simpson, reflects on the Simpson case, emphasizing that it was more of a family tragedy than a racial issue.
In a series of discussions on anti-Judaism using various texts, the unique characteristics and historical roots of hatred towards Jews were explored.
The article defends the importance of congregational rabbis in Jewish life, highlighting the deep connections and enduring relationships they create with their communities.
Rabbi Shai Held's new book, "Judaism Is About Love," challenges the common perception of Judaism as focused solely on laws and justice, arguing that love, compassion, and empathy are the core values of Jewish life.
Exploring the concept of heresy and theological questions surrounding G-d in the context of Parshah Ki Sisa.
In his book "The People, The Torah, The God: A Neo-Traditional Jewish Theology," Yehuda Gellman presents a neo-traditional theology that explores the concepts of Jewish chosenness, the divine origin of the Torah, and the existence of evil in the world.
Dr. Miri Freud-Kandel's new book delves into the life and legacy of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, a prominent UK Jewish scholar who challenged Orthodox doctrine by asserting that the Torah was not directly dictated by God.
In a recent article, Ethan Schwartz critiques Edward Feld's book, "The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah."
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel were influential American religious figures of the last century and unlikely friends.
A 2021 Pew study highlighted the decline of religiosity within American Jewry, particularly among young adults who view their Judaism as purely ethnic or cultural.
Rabbi Louis Jacobs is portrayed as a model for spiritual seekers today amidst a world feeling increasingly fraught.
Abraham, known for his activism, challenges God's plan to destroy Sodom, arguing for justice and mercy.
Rabbi Steven Greenberg, an Orthodox rabbi, publicly came out as gay in 1999, advocating for the inclusion and acceptance of gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews.
The text explores the connection between Jewish theology and the natural world, emphasizing the importance of studying nature to deepen religious understanding.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the challenges of the past year in Israeli history, reflecting on Jewish theology and psyche that influenced it.
This episode delves into the Tanya's differentiation between the levels of Beinoni and Tzadik, exploring how one can discern if someone possesses the soul of a Tzadik.
Rabbi Louis Jacobs, considered by some as the greatest British Jew, was in line to become the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth in the 1960s.
The permission to eat meat granted by God to humanity after Noah's Ark is often overlooked.
In this article, Professor Tamar Ross clarifies her theology of revelation in response to criticism from other scholars.
Diana Lobel's book, "Moses and Abraham Maimonides: Encountering the Divine," offers a nuanced comparison of the religious and philosophical beliefs of Moses and his son Abraham Maimonides.
The inevitability of the Messiah is a concept that is widely agreed upon in Jewish sources.
The author explores the Jewish perspective on the presence of God in Islam.
The author reflects on his personal journey as a gay Torah Jew and relates it to the narrative of the acceptance of the Torah by the children of Israel.