Tag: Kaddish

David Olivestone, a resident of Jerusalem, reflects on life in Israel during a period of war, highlighting the delicate balance between maintaining normalcy and being surrounded by reminders of conflict.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the focus is on Fathers Day and Shavuot, exploring themes of fatherhood, loss, and Jewish responsibility.
This text recounts a group of tourists, including some Jewish people, reciting the Kaddish prayer for Bella Terner, a Polish Jewish woman who settled in Cuba in the 1930s and was buried there.
Yizkor books, compiled by survivors after WWII, serve as crucial documents of pre-war Jewish life and the Holocaust, containing firsthand accounts and vital details for genealogists.
The text pays homage to the poet Paul Celan and reflects on the impact of the Holocaust.
The author reflects on the emotional journey of praying for an Israeli hostage, Uriel Baruch, only to find out he was killed rather than kidnapped, adding a personal connection they felt through shared birthdays and interactions with Baruch's family.
Tablet has a collection of stories about death and mourning, exploring Jewish rituals and personal experiences of loss.
The author discusses their experience of saying Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for mourners, after the death of their father and mother.
The author discovers her great-grandfather's will, a single page written in Yiddish, as she is packing up her parents' house.
In times of distress, recent events have imbued traditional Jewish prayers with renewed significance, particularly emphasizing the themes of peace and freedom.
In this interview, Howard Fienberg and his wife Marnie discuss the mourning period after the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where Howard's mother, Joyce Fienberg, was one of the victims.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience of mourning her father, who was a prominent rabbi.
The article explores the mechanics of reciting the Kaddish prayer on behalf of others and the theological assumptions underlying this practice.
In this Shiur (Jewish lesson) on miscarriage in Halacha (Jewish law), various questions are addressed regarding the halachic status and practices related to miscarriage.
This text explores the author's father's relationship with Jewish law and observance.
After experiencing loss and confronting the traditional Jewish mourning practice of saying Kaddish for a deceased family member, the author reflects on her journey of redefining mourning with the help of Rabbi Nevins.
In this discussion, composer Allen Shawn explores the life and work of Leonard Bernstein, a prominent figure in 20th-century American music.
Mayim Bialik, known for her roles in sitcoms, neuroscience Ph. D., parenting books author, and observant Jew, discussed her experience mourning her father by saying Kaddish while managing work, parenting during COVID, and directing a film on the Unorthodox podcast by Tablet.
The author reflects on his experience as the son-in-law mourning the loss of his wife's parents and questions the lack of mourning rituals available for in-law children.
The author reflects on his upbringing in a South African Jewish community and his subsequent move to America.
The gabbais klap is a traditional practice in Jewish synagogues, where the gabbai, or synagogue official, slams his hand on the bimah to remind the congregation to say specific prayers or make additions during the Amidah prayer.
This article reflects on Leonard Cohen's Jewish legacy and cautions against co-opting him into a conventional framework of Judaism.
A woman facing surgery to remove her ovaries due to health concerns grapples with the question of which blessing to say in this challenging moment.
During the challenging time of mourning her parents, the author found solace and connection through participating in a daily Zoom minyan for Kaddish recitation at her Reconstructionist synagogue.
The author reflects on missing the opportunity to say Kaddish for their father's yahrzeit due to the closure of their synagogue during the COVID-19 pandemic.