Tag: Kfar Aza

Hagar Brodutch, a former Israeli hostage released by Hamas after 51 days, is now in Toronto with her family for a break.
The Israeli comedy show "The Jews Are Coming" aired a sketch addressing intergenerational Jewish trauma following a recent tragic event on October 7.
The text discusses various articles and responses featured in the Spring 2024 edition of the Jewish Review of Books.
President Biden recently met with 4-year-old Abigail Edan, a dual American and Israeli citizen who was released after being held hostage by Hamas.
A recent trip to Israel in February revealed the lasting impact of a tragic event by Hamas on October 7.
Two individuals, an American woman visiting her nieces and a woman who returned home to play a Nova survivor in a television series, bond over shared experiences in Israel.
On October 7th, a horrific attack took place in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip, where Palestinians stormed multiple kibbutzim, resulting in the kidnapping or murder of many residents.
Thousands of people, including a recently released Israeli child hostage and relatives of those still held captive by Hamas, gathered outside the United Nations to mark 100 days since the terror group's invasion of Israel.
Filmmaker Yahav Winner, who grew up in Kfar Aza near the Gaza border, made a film called "The Boy" that explores the trauma and constant conflict experienced by residents in Israel.
This article describes the author's experience attending a bris (circumcision ceremony) amidst the ongoing war in Israel.
This article discusses the publication of daily dispatches from Israel by Unorthodox, which shares stories of mourning, healing, and unexpected togetherness.
Unorthodox is currently reporting on the aftermath of the brutal attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza by Hamas in Israel.
The article tells the story of Batya, a peace activist who formed a friendship with Mahmoud, a Palestinian photographer from Gaza.
In October 2023, Dorin and Itamar Cohen, along with their young children, endured a harrowing 27-hour ordeal as Hamas terrorists set their home ablaze.
The chair of the board of Birthright Israel Foundation, Phil de Toledo, describes his recent solidarity mission to Israel in the aftermath of the war.
An Israeli-born bodyguard who previously worked for Taylor Swift has left his job to join the IDF and defend his country against Hamas.
Israel suspects that terrorists have been infiltrating into the country through tunnels from Gaza.