Tag: Seder

ITV's "Passover UK: A Jewish Journey" aired belatedly but was well-received for its positive and authentic portrayal of British Jewish celebrations of Passover.
"Exagoge" is a complex and innovative theater piece by playwright and director Edward Einhorn, blending elements of a contemporary Seder on the Upper West Side with an operatic retelling of a 2,200-year-old Greek play about the Exodus story.
The text features a collection of letters and reflections from readers published in Mishpacha Magazine.
"Max Greenfield and Ben Feldman starred in the 2005 Passover film 'When Do We Eat?' where a Jewish father accidentally takes ecstasy during a seder and believes he is Moses. The movie features a star-studded Jewish cast including Shiri Appleby, Jack Klugman, and Adam Lamberg, focusing on the dysfunctional Stuckman family's seder. While the film's quality is debated, it offers quirky, relatable Jewish moments and iconic Jewish representation on screen. Despite mixed reviews, the movie can be enjoyed for its unique blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and cultural Jewish identity. 'When Do We Eat?' is available for streaming on Freevee and Tubi for those interested in exploring this offbeat Passover tale."
At a recent Passover Seder in Laurie Shelton's family, a new tradition called "The Other Four Questions" was introduced.
During the last days of Pesach, Jews reflect on the Exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea, but do not celebrate to empathize with the suffering of the Egyptians.
For a quick and easy Passover preparation, Kveller offers a variety of resources and guides.
Ashton Macklin, a Jewish Media Fellow, has crafted a thought-provoking Passover resource titled "A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah."
Families of Israeli hostages in Gaza, facing a somber Passover, are struggling to celebrate the holiday of freedom while their loved ones remain captive, with some opting for subdued seders and unique rituals to honor the missing.
The essay discusses the author's contrasting experiences at Passover Seders, one focusing on social justice and the other on traditional Jewish practices.
This article discusses how many Israeli families, including those with loved ones held hostage by Hamas, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year, a holiday that symbolizes freedom.
Many Israeli families, including those who have loved ones held hostage, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year due to feelings of sadness and frustration over the captivity of their relatives by Hamas.
The article discusses the author's family tradition of children hiding the afikoman during Passover Seder, a departure from the usual practice, leading to reflections on differing perspectives within traditions.
Marnie Fienberg, whose mother-in-law was tragically murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue, has created 2ForSeder, an initiative to combat antisemitism by inviting two non-Jewish individuals to join a Passover Seder and experience the beauty of Judaism.
The author discusses their evolving relationship with Passover, introducing the concept of Miriam's Cup on their seder table for the first time.
Pesach's story of hope and redemption, as depicted in the Haggadah, has always been a source of strength for the Jewish people.
Vice President Harry S. Truman delivered a Passover address in 1945, praising Jewish contributions to ethics and expressing gratitude for their resilience and support for oppressed minorities.
Holocaust survivors' descendants, Hilda and Sharon, who had roots in the same Polish town, Radom, bonded over their shared history and embarked on a journey to reconnect with their past.
Various versions of charoset were taste-tested by a group, including Ashkenazi and Sephardi styles.
"Workitu's Passover" is a children's picture book based on the author's childhood in Ethiopia, where the tradition of smashing chametz vessels before Passover and reshaping them symbolizes continuity of Jewish traditions from generation to generation.
A video showcasing how to prepare a Passover Seder appetizer featuring lox.
The writer expresses initial anger and hurt upon a relative declining to attend the family seder due to discomfort with traditional texts and intentions, feeling conflicted about the rejection of a beloved tradition but reflecting on the nature of family traditions and adaptation.
Tech entrepreneur Martin Moshal has commissioned an opulent haggadah for his Seder in Sydney, featuring intricate designs with various metals and precious metals, innovative techniques, and black and white illustrations reminiscent of early printing plates.
This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instability to Pesach's promise of Divine intervention and liberation.
Six13, an a cappella group, released a Passover parody of Abba songs, merging traditional Passover themes with Abba's iconic music and style.