Tag: Seder

Tu B'Shvat is a Jewish holiday with agricultural origins, symbolizing the importance of environmental awareness and stewardship in modern times.
Tu Bishvat, the New Year for Trees, while considered a lesser Jewish festival, has gained significance for its eco-Jewish emphasis and connection to the Land of Israel.
In this text, the author begins by sharing a recipe for Dried Fruit and Walnut Bread and mentions that it is inspired by the upcoming Jewish holiday, Tu Bishvat.
This article is a personal account of a woman whose husband is serving in the Israeli army during a time of war.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts revisit their 2020 Passover episode to provide a comprehensive guide to hosting a meaningful Seder.
In episode 357 of Unorthodox, the podcast revisits its 2020 Passover episode to provide listeners with a refresher on how to host a meaningful and memorable Seder, especially for those who may be new to the experience.
This article explores the significance of charoset, a staple of the Passover Seder, and the personal journey of the author in attempting to recreate their great-grandmother's charoset recipe.
As Passover approaches, the author reflects on the significance of the holiday in the current state of the world.
In this article, the author explores the evolution of the Passover Seder and its focus on the Exodus story in the absence of the Temple and the korban pesah (Passover sacrifice).
This article explores the concept of different categories in Judaism, such as man, woman, Jew, non-Jew, slave, poor person, and rich person.
The author explores the significance of the storytelling aspect of the Passover Seder and its role in the creation of the Jewish nation.
The tradition of getting rid of hametz (leavened products) for Passover has its roots in the story of Joseph in the Bible.
This article provides a list of ten Passover recipes to add variety to your Seder table.
Pearl Richman, a retired teacher, has created two new inclusive haggadot for Passover, aimed at modern families and designed to better engage young people in the Seder ritual.
Passover is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
This article argues that progressive Jews should reframe their understanding of the plagues in the Passover story.
The First Annual Great Canadian Seder was a Passover event that featured stories from 20 prominent Canadians discussing the meaning of freedom.
In this bonus episode of the Unorthodox podcast, the host interviews musician Josh Warshawsky, who sings the order of the Passover Seder.
This article explores the concept of freedom and its different meanings in Judaism, particularly within the context of Passover.
Walnuts have been loved by Jews since biblical times and are widely used in Jewish cooking, especially during Passover.
This article discusses the author's experience of feeling isolated as the only plant-based eater during Passover and their journey towards hosting plant-based Seders.
Rabbi Aaron Levy from Makom Creative Downtown Judaism in Toronto discusses Passover, freedom, slavery, and the significance of the Passover meal (Seder) on the podcast "Not That Kind of Rabbi."
The cost of hosting a Passover Seder has significantly increased this year due to various factors such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, an outbreak of bird flu affecting poultry prices, and increased demand for kosher food.
This episode of Unorthodox focuses on Passover traditions.
The Passover Seder has evolved over time, with different Jewish communities leaving their mark on the ritual.