Jewish Law

A member of a chevra kadisha, a burial society, recounts her experience preparing the body of a 17-year-old girl for burial in an Israeli village.
Three Orthodox Jewish men from New Jersey undertook a challenging seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, motivated by the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the journey.
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line.
Ahuvah Gray, a former high-powered travel executive, shared her remarkable journey of converting to Judaism at age fifty-one, leaving behind a lucrative career and moving to Israel.
Shoshana Zakar, a convert to Judaism, discovered through an online Jewish discussion group that her initial conversion wasn't recognized.
Nobutaka Hattori, a former Protestant minister in Japan's fourth-largest city, had doubts about his faith, leading to a spiritual journey that led him to become a full-time kollel student in Jerusalem.
Devorah and Gavriel Snyder, a unique Orthodox Jewish couple living in remote Kila, Montana, offer kosher food and Shabbat hospitality in their self-built homestead to frum hikers and visitors, as they are possibly the only Orthodox Jews in the state.
Cheese, an accidental discovery dating back thousands of years, is made in two main categories: acid-set (soft cheese) and rennet-set (hard cheese).
In this poignant account, the author describes hosting women who travel far for late-term abortions in New York due to restrictive laws in their home states, highlighting the vital role of the Haven Coalition in providing support.
The text discusses the controversial topic of circumcision, focusing on the book "Marked in Your Flesh" by Leonard B. Glick.
In "Burning Stones," Rabbi Leibel Reznick discusses the destruction of the Second Temple, examining historical accounts and physical evidence.
Viktor Frankl, known as the father of Logotherapy, emphasized the importance of finding meaning in life.

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