Tag: Hamas

The article discusses Israels awareness of the threat posed by Hamas tunnels in Gaza, highlighting that the IDF and government were cognizant of the tunnels' existence and potential danger for over a decade.
In a discussion about asymmetry in various contexts, the article raises questions about Israel's military dominance becoming a weakness, and whether Hamas' vulnerabilities could actually be strengths.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in its public relations efforts due to incidents like the killing of four children playing soccer on a Gaza beach by Israeli shells during Operation Protective Edge.
This article discusses various topics including the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian Authority, the concept of the right to be forgotten on the internet for Israelis, the delayed introduction of evolution in Israeli schools, and music recommendations from Balkan Beat Box.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Mahmoud Abbas considering dismantling the Palestinian Authority or aligning with Hamas, the newly appointed head of the Council of Torah Sages criticizing non-ultra-Orthodox Jews, and a report from the OECD highlighting Israel as having low taxes.
During Israel's War of Independence, the construction of the Burma Road provided a crucial bypass to Jerusalem through the mountains, allowing Jewish soldiers to avoid attacks on the main road.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and a historian, draws parallels between the current state of affairs in Israel and critical moments in history, likening the situation to May 1967 or May 1948 due to a multitude of threats including Iran's nuclear ambitions, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and the civil war in Syria.
Mitt Romney was not planning a fundraiser in Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av, as falsely reported, but will be dining with the Netanyahus after the sacred day ends.
In recent years, the Palestinians have made gradual progress in building governing institutions, particularly under Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in the West Bank, leading to economic growth and improved security.
The author reflects on their experience of the World Cup in relation to the overwhelming fanaticism it brought to those around them, providing a temporary escape from the troubling political and social realities of Israel.
The text discusses Israel's failed military raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla in the context of changing warfare tactics and public opinion dynamics.