Tag: Justice

Scholars Cristbal Rovira Kaltwasser and Cas Mudde offer an accessible overview of populism for a broad audience, covering its various manifestations across the political spectrum.
The article discusses the peculiar nature of Ashkenazi Jewish quarrels, noting that they can be more persistent and bitter than in other cultures, often revolving around issues of justice and perceived slights.
The text delves into the moral complexities surrounding the tenth plague in the story of the Exodus from Egypt.
Yossi Dahan, a law and philosophy professor, in his book "Justice, Privatization and the Objectives of the Education System," published by the Van Leer Institute press, explores how capitalism and multiculturalism have impacted education in Israel.
The essay explores the concept of justice in rabbinic Judaism in light of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted issues of sexual harassment and abuse.
The text explores two perspectives on the concept of spirituality within the Jewish tradition.
"Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" portrays the struggle of a woman trying to obtain a Jewish divorce document (get) from her husband in Israel’s rabbinic court system.
In the provocative essay "Two Strikes," Shalom Auslander proposes a hypothetical constitutional amendment allowing each adult in the United States to commit two murders in their lifetime without legal repercussions.
The Dreyfus Affair, a late 19th-century scandal in France where a Jewish artillery officer, Alfred Dreyfus, was wrongly convicted of treason, exposed widespread injustice, prejudice, and anti-Semitism.