Tag: Social Justice

Ruth Fein, a pioneering figure in the Boston Jewish community, passed away at the age of 96.
Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a prominent figure in social justice causes and feminism, reflects on the Israel-Hamas war in a recent essay in Moment Magazine where she discusses the idea that "The Political Is Personal," paralleling the 1970s feminist slogan "The Personal Is Political."
The New Museum in New York is currently displaying Judy Chicago's Rainbow Shabbat, a famous artwork that symbolizes interfaith solidarity.
In her book of essays titled "The Wandering Womb: Essays in Search of Home," S.L. Wisenberg explores her lifelong struggle to belong and feel at home.
The author, who identifies as both Black and Jewish, argues that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs need to be reimagined in order to address the needs of Jewish people.
"The Curse" is a satirical TV series that explores themes of wokeness, privilege, and environmentalism.
Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz attended the March on Washington in August 1963 and delivered a Rosh Hashanah sermon the following month reflecting on his decision to participate.
Jewish communities in New York City are planning various events and activities to honor Martin Luther King Jr. on his birthday.
The author reflects on their experience growing up in the Reform movement and how it shaped their Jewish identity.
Ruth Messinger, an 83-year-old woman, recently celebrated her second bat mitzvah at a Reconstructionist synagogue in New York.
The text discusses recent incidents of anti-Semitism and the challenges faced by Jewish community organizations, particularly in the context of universities and the rise of anti-Israel sentiment.
The article argues that American Judaism has prioritized universalist and humanist values, while suppressing traditional religious elements.
The essay explores the author's family history as Jewish homesteaders in South Dakota, highlighting the connection between their success and the displacement of the Lakota Nation due to broken treaties.
In this article, the author discusses various hunger relief organizations and asks readers to share their favorite ones.
The author, who identifies as both African American and Jewish American, expresses their struggle in the face of recent events related to Israel and Palestine.
Mary Ann Stein, the founding president of The Moriah Fund, a private foundation that supports human and civil rights in the US and Israel, as well as causes such as women's rights and economic justice, has passed away at the age of 80.
The preeminence of the Jewish-liberal alliance in American politics is being threatened by the rise of Jewish progressives.
In this personal reflection, a rabbi discusses how their students give them hope for the future.
The recent judicial overhaul in Israel has had a profound impact on writers in the country, with many seeing it as a pivotal moment.
The author reflects on their experience visiting Israel and Palestine as an American Jew.
Three years after the murder of George Floyd, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals are facing job cuts and attacks on their work.
"Without Precedent: The Supreme Life of Rosalie Abella" is a new documentary highlighting the remarkable career of Hon.
This podcast episode features Natalie Kahn, a Jewish student at Harvard University, discussing her shock and sense of betrayal when the campus newspaper she was involved with endorsed the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
The article explores the different experiences that two hypothetical twin daughters, Adi and Sophie, have in college and how it shapes their thinking and identity.
The article discusses the current debate surrounding meritocracy in American society.